Friday, December 10, 2010

Hi 'migos!

Hello mine comrads. I didn't really think about posting, and then I saw the above video and I knew I had to share. Unfortuantely, I've also set up this whole precedent of writing long strings of meaningless text underneath such awesome videos, so here I am.
So it snowed! Quite a lot, actually. I arrived back in the SLC airport last Sunday night to a decent snowfall (I mean, it wasn't a storm/blizzard or anything like that, but it was pretty impressive).
Then it was right back into work; school hit with a vengeance. With school, as well, came a determination to do fun things (Theatre/the vocalz). Last Wednesday was a big day for my voice: I was not only auditioning for a mask club (scarlet pimpernel) but that was the day that the audition for the school of music was due as well (I'm trying to double major; I honestly don't remember whether I've talked about that in past posts. But I am. I want to do double major in computer science and voice performance). So that was a lot to do. Then, on Friday (or maybe it was Thursday), there was another mask club audition, for a play taken from the Dave Barry book Guide to Guys. I ended up making call-backs for it, which was cool because I made callbacks but not cool because it meant I had to wake up early on a Saturday, at like 9 (*gasp*). It was actually really cool! Then, on the way back I ran into Emily and she invited me to come to her flute recital (for her 160R class). It was actually really neat! There are some things that one can do while playing the flute that I didn't think were possible (in a good way). We had a super cool ward activity that night, a Christmas-themed scavenger hunt. After that, I went on a group date to the best-of-Semester Divine Comedy show. It. Was. Amazing. They had great skits, including an inception spoof and others, but one of the best things was this video they showed.

I, personally, cannot think of a better portrayal of the stereotypical BYU culture. I lulzed a lot at it. Also, pay attention to 1:50: the two coming out of the creamery are in my ward.
This week: more auditions! (oh, and school ended. W00t!)
I auditioned for Men's Chorus on Thursday (again, but for Winter Semester). I'll find out on Monday those results. I also auditioned for another mask club, called hands of a lesser god, which is done partly in sign language. I probably won't make callbacks for that either, but it would be cool to be in. Following that I was able to see the last mask club of the semester, which was a clipping from a broadway play; it was called next to normal.
So....that's my week. I'm updated. Chill y'all.