Friday, February 11, 2011

so this is why the call it a web-log...

So, there's this thing that happened to me. It's called (and this is the scientific term for it (or so the doctors tell me)): Schwester-was-has-royally-messed-things-up-con-mi-Libro-De-Cara, or Kamarimasita for short. So, I have no working facebook right now, and don't really expect the all-powerful facebook team to fix it in the near future. Cool. Which means, I've had all these really cool and smart and funny things to tell people....but haven't been able to put them anywhere. Of course, as everyone knows, thoughts that don't get put anywhere gradually waste away in the brain, so I've got a municipal dump somewhere in my prefontal cortex. If this goes on for much longer, I won't be able to tell anyone when I get my mission call, and when I'll be opening it, which would just be annoying.
The moral of the above story was Don't Expect Great Things from Disadvantaged People.
So, Peter Pan (that one thing I was doing that one time) ended a while back (right after that one time) which leaves me with all this free time....that I quite quickly filled back up. Tuesdays and Thursdays, my class schedule is such that I am in the RB for my last class of the day, which makes it really quite easy to go to the gym with my roommates (easy for me. They still have to come across campus. But that's good for them. It'll build character). I've gone, oh, 4 times in the last two weeks....and I am quite surprised at what is happening to me. Mentally, at least, I've always kind of identified with the archetype of the skinny, quiet kid that most people pretty much ignores but turns out to be a super genius and saves the planet..well, at least I did until I started not being that person (which started in about 6th grade when I learned what the term 'love handles' meant). But enough reminiscing about my dark and lonely past. That's what biographers are for. The story I'm getting to is that I'm starting to build up some appreciable muscle, and it's a nice change. Yay.
The moral of the story above is that Looks can be Deceiving, so don't eat the special of the day.
With Peter Pan being over, I am able to focus on my classes, especially my TMA 123 class (fundamentals of acting), which was during Peter Pan (which meant I wasn't able to go to it). Turns out, it takes a lot of time; basically the only work we do in that class is scenes, but that work is compounded by the fact that the scenes are two-person scenes, and to do any appreciable work at all the two individuals involved in said scene must contrive a time and location at which to practice. So that takes a lot of my free time.
In all previous scenes, we were learning different, well, fundamentals of acting. These were objectives, tactics, physical obstacles, room conflicts, and secrets. With every new item appended to our learning, we were to create a scene and include all of the things we had learned thus far. However, come Wednesday, we were assigned scene partners and assigned a specific scene from a play. So that is what I am working on for that class; my scene is from a play called "Mary Mary." My character's name is Bob. So that's cool.
The moral of the above story is To Eat your Breakfast, because the Llamas only have Fruit Hats.
More coming.