Friday, March 4, 2011

Self referential random title

Hello again. I speak to you from beyond the veil...of procrastination. My life is actually pretty busy, whether you believe it or not, and while one (me) might think from time to time about updating one's (my) blog, such a thing does not happen, not when there's minecraft, or dates, or webcomics, or what have you.
However, I received my due chastisement when, in a bout of such procrastinatory action, I found my way to Brian's Blog (alliteration always intended), where lo and behold, he too, was lazy and not updating. Key word there being 'was,' because he is updating now; one of his Kentucky friends had convinced him to do this cool little '30 DAY BLOGGING CHALLENGE EXTRAVAGANZA OF SERIOUS AWESOMENESS." Actually..... the 30 day thing was his. But I'm keeping the whole thing, for reasons of my own. Basically, the premise is this: every day for the next 30 days I post something on a theme or topic and you like whether you like it or not (wait..). Technically, by taking on this challenge, this becomes day 0: the 30 day challenge explanation and description. It's day 0 in the 30 day challenge...I guess it's an array or something of size 31? and we're at index 0? sure. Let's go with that.
Change of topic. So, I was sick on Monday. Like, really sick. Sicker than I remember being in a long time. It started really suddenly, too, on Sunday night: at around 7:00 I just suddenly started getting cold, like, really cold. I put on four layers of clothing, then got in bed and shivered my way to a fitful sleep. Monday I stayed in bed. Like, all day. I got up to drink, use the bathroom, and throw up (twice). ..yay. Out of the blue, Courtney texts me asking if I'm alright, which I manage to convey to her that I'm not, and she brings me blessed things: powerade, tylenol, chicken soup. It would have made me very happy at the time were I not totemo miserable. As it was, I was marginally less miserable due to the supplies. (Thanks Court!)
Not to mention that I got fired on Sunday...I mean, on Sunday, really? I worked grounds, right? and as such, I was expected to come in whenever it snowed more than an inch. I was told that if I missed three snow removals, I would be fired. Come Saturday morning, I missed my second one. However, it turns out my boss was more lenient with the hirees than she should have been; there needed to be a budget cut and mine was the one that got slashed. So I'm also looking for a job, as well as trying to make up all this work from the Sick Days (duhn duhn DUHHHN).
I feel like I I ramble? I kind of always thought that that was kind of the general nature of my blog. I guess so. Moving on!
Last week I did some pretty cool stuff: stuff that I'll only glance over now, but that if I had blogged then would get pretty detailed overviews. Last Friday I skipped all (3) of my classes to go to SLC. The cozening behind this was A Thousand Suns Tour--Linkin Park's tour for their new album. I'd never been to a legit concert before, what with standing wicked close to the stage and having people spit beer on me (accidentally, I'm sure) from behind. But it was awesome. I even knew like four of the songs that LP played. Then, of course, I got this awesome T-Shirt to prove I'd been and that I like music too. No really, I do! I swear, I like music as much as the next guy!
It was awesome. Pics:
before the show; right against the stage

as we were walking up and away (most of the things on the ground were beer cups)
So that was cool. Next thing!
The Sunday before that, I went to Bronson and Cherie's (?) house to celebrate Grandma's and BJ's birthdays (I apologize for being inconsistent with apostrophes, but I don't know which use is correct), as well as BJ's engagement! Whooo!1! (of course that's old news by this point, but.....whatever). Analia (lo siento de la deletreado, no se como hacerlo) had gotten this awesome cake from a friend of hers. Pics:
Cake! movie themed: there are pictures of BJ on edible paper behind the marzipan film strips
The cake was wicked good: it was layered with I don't even know what but it was good. Some fruit something or other.

The happy (awesome) couple!
obligatory "awwwwww :)"

Kay, this was like the most amazing thing ever: there's this guy in the valley who is independently wealthy, and so decided to make his own chocolate. This stuff is so beyond good. It makes lindt taste like wax. Which it doesn't. So think on that.

Grandpa taking a turn bowling on the Kinect

Ok, those were some events. Now some other things. Pokemon Black and White launched in Europe today; they hit our shelves on Sunday. I wasn't going to get it. Then I spent (more procrastination) some time on their website and became convinced that I might possibly quite enjoy either black or white. Of course, with the whole out of a job thing, I've promised myself I won't get one until I have a new, reliable source of income under me. But it should be cool!
umm lessee: oh, one of my friends in the ward has set up his own minecraft server, and we spent some time playing on that. It's pretty cool.
I'm going to bed now. Expect another post from me tomorrow, or else make sure I do post tomorrow