Sunday, November 28, 2010


So I know that a lot of you are probably wonder "Jansen what happened to you? Were you attacked by velociraptors? Did you fall into the ocean? were you in a coma induced by too much BYU Creamery chocolate milk?" All of these are stupid questions. Yeah, I said it. All of my velociraptors are domesticated; they wouldn't attack me. Also, I live in Utah. There is no ocean. Finally...well, maybe that last one has some merit.
But enough about me not being here on the interwebz. I figured, that, to make up not posting for so long, I would tell you EVERYTHING I've been up to for the last month. Then, I realized that that would be boring (and I really don't remember anyways) and so decided to give highlights.
Highlight number one: Halloween. So, this is my first time being in college, i.e. away from home, during Halloween. It was a lot different for several reasons: 1) I didn't go trick or treating, nor did anyone I know. 2) our dorms got trick-or-treated unto by the residents of the somewhat nearby married housing. 3) Stake wide Halloween dance! I have to admit, that my costume was in no way original; I was given the idea by Dezzy, but I knew what I was doing because my sister had done it in a previous year: I was an iPod commercial.

No, I did NOT dress up as a black person. Utards can be really, really stupid some times. Trust me, I did get that question. Of course, there were the smart people from outside of Utah that picked up immediately on what I was doing, so that was good.

Highlight number 2: Daylight savings time ended (or started? hmmm). That was cool for a myriad of reasons, none of which I feel like writing or remembering right now.

Highlight number 3: university chorale sang in devotional! Hooray! It was the coolest thing we've done in chorale yet, and apparently the cameras focused in on me several times. I have no idea whether devotionals are recorded, or just broadcast, but I've looked for videos and haven't been able to find any.

Highlight number 4: Minecraft. I posted a video showing something someone had done in classic mode with it in my last post; I downloaded the game about 3, 4 weeks ago and quickly became addicted. However, my video game addictions usually don't last too long: I kind of burnt myself out on it and since have been able to have a normal life.

Highlight number 5
Harry Potter. Need I say more? perhaps. But not right now.

Highlight number 6
I came home! (confession time: I started writing this post before I actually came home, and now I'm on the plane back to SLC, so I thought it only appropriate to add this). I was able to see all (okay, most) of my friends at school, which was pretty cool. Of course, seeing my family again was amazing, especially my youngest brother who has grown up so much. On the other hand, there are so many things that just haven't changed whatsoever, which is just weird. to me; I think this is because I've gone through so much change in the last 5 months, that when I got back home and everything was so similar to when I had left it, it was just kind of a reality check. Thursday, of course, was thanksgiving, and even writing this now I am in a happy place, just remembering all that delicious food. Yummmmmm. I'm glad I'm not from Canada, and able to go home during BYU's break to have thanksgiving with my family. Friday was a good day for me to catch up with my friends, from both church and school, and then Saturday was my brother's baptism, which was just lovely, especially because I was able to baptize him.
'kay, I'm done with this post. ENJOY. Or else.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

o hai

So today was possibly the least busiest Saturday I've had in a long time. In the past few weeks, there's been a football game, or a service project, or something else that has taken up a large portion of my time. However, today I got up to play racquetball (voluntarily, I might add). On my way there, I saw all these kids on campus. I looked closer and saw that there were all boys. I looked even closer and saw that some of them were wearing scout uniforms, and then I saw the "pow wow" signs around campus, and realized that the scouts were having some kind of merit badge college/activity. That brought me back, so I promptly returned to the present. I went and played Racquetball with this friend of mine from my chorale class, and while he was kind of a boss I think I did pretty well. After racquetball, I came home...and did absolutely nothing productive. So, that happened. After that, we had a ward activity which was actually really cool. It was a date drive, where the girls dorms in the ward prepared date ideas, and all the guys dorms brought cans of food that they used to bid on the dates. Our dorm got a date, doing kid related things, which makes me happy because I like being a kid. Immediately following that I went to HumorU by way of the creamery, with a date (she's from Connecticut, so she's already all kinds of legit). It was probably the best HumorU show I've seen thus far; they had two new people, one of whom was a ventriloquist (I've never seen a legit ventriloquist live). Then, fun story; on the way out I ran into Emmanuel and James Nnah whom I haven't seen in forevers! And that was cool. That was my day. yay!
Also, welcome back to my life.