Saturday, November 13, 2010

o hai

So today was possibly the least busiest Saturday I've had in a long time. In the past few weeks, there's been a football game, or a service project, or something else that has taken up a large portion of my time. However, today I got up to play racquetball (voluntarily, I might add). On my way there, I saw all these kids on campus. I looked closer and saw that there were all boys. I looked even closer and saw that some of them were wearing scout uniforms, and then I saw the "pow wow" signs around campus, and realized that the scouts were having some kind of merit badge college/activity. That brought me back, so I promptly returned to the present. I went and played Racquetball with this friend of mine from my chorale class, and while he was kind of a boss I think I did pretty well. After racquetball, I came home...and did absolutely nothing productive. So, that happened. After that, we had a ward activity which was actually really cool. It was a date drive, where the girls dorms in the ward prepared date ideas, and all the guys dorms brought cans of food that they used to bid on the dates. Our dorm got a date, doing kid related things, which makes me happy because I like being a kid. Immediately following that I went to HumorU by way of the creamery, with a date (she's from Connecticut, so she's already all kinds of legit). It was probably the best HumorU show I've seen thus far; they had two new people, one of whom was a ventriloquist (I've never seen a legit ventriloquist live). Then, fun story; on the way out I ran into Emmanuel and James Nnah whom I haven't seen in forevers! And that was cool. That was my day. yay!
Also, welcome back to my life.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that Ventriloquism lives on. What does it actually mean to be "all kinds of legit?" Way cool about Emmanuel and James. I was hanging out with Dan, Zoe, Nick, Anna, Margaret and the gang. Awesome play!
