Monday, September 2, 2013

Let's blow the dust off

So the last time I posted was in April of 2011. Long story short, I went on a mission. It was awesome. I went to Buenos Aires Argentina. Hit me up with questions for more details. I'll probably insert some along the way. I got back a month and a half ago. I start back at BYU tomorrow. I'm excited. And so, I decided to wipe the dust off this thing and get it up and running again.

Looking back at this blog in its first year of existence, it served kind of as an activity log. My thoughts are to change the feel of this blog, and let it be more of an output for ideas or thoughts that I have on my mind. Many of them will probably be scripture related, but I'm sure that as classes start I will be expanding my sphere of learning and will increase my range of topics. Basically this will be my collection of thoughts. I don't entertain any notions that this will have a huge following or anything. But it'll be cool to have a different way to get thoughts out of my head and out .. somewhere.

Let's just do a little "about me" to kick this thing off. My name is Jansen McQuivey, I'm a computer science major here at BYU, the proud stone cold sober school of all America (my motto: have your fun and remember it, too!).

I speak English and Spanish, and I'm currently learning Portuguese and Japanese. I like music, specifically piano and voice. I try hard to avoid the nerd stereotype, even though said stereotype finds expression in my very being. So I guess it's kind of a lost cause. Due to that fact, I generally like to think I'm cool, even when I'm probably more awkward than anything else. I love spending time with friends, especially when catching up on movies I haven't seen from the last two years. I love life, but more than anything I love my Savior. I know that there is more to this existence than simply living and dying. I am part of an eternal plan that my Father in Heaven put in place long ago. All He asks me to do is to believe in His Son and allow Him to change my life. Heaven is a real place. It is where God, and Jesus Christ, and all the saints who have gone before me, dwell. It is a real promise to us that we, too, might attain that glory. All I need to do is submit my will to the will of the Father, and allow Christ's atonement to change my life. He lives, having resurrected after suffering and dying for our sins. We have the scriptures before us to teach us of this plan. We have the priesthood authority upon the earth to carry out the necessary ordinances of that plan. We have the spirit to dwell within us and guide us in every moment, given that we maintain ourselves worthy. In short, God, our Father, loves us and wants us to return home to live with Him. What more worthy goal is there to strive for while in this life?

So here's to a bright future, and hopefully a steady blog posting frequency.

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