Thursday, October 21, 2010

{song lyrics here}

The following is an account of how I broke the rules. This morning during Book of Mormon, I broke tradition and looked for wireless networks (I say broke tradition because there are never networks available in my classroom, but I looked for some anyway); I found one that was coming over from the testing center, but when I tried connecting this came up:
I'm actually writing this from a dark corner, and may or may not still be on campus...this is in case the testing center is hunting me down right now. I don't know when I'll be able to come back to civilization..maybe I'll just wait out the semester, grow a beard...
If you have any food, or soap, please leave them in a low-security environment and leave me a message about where I can find it. I don't know how long I'll have to avoid them

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

That's how I say it with my Klingon accent

So, I've had some time to think, and reflect, and ponder...and I've come to the conclusion that my blog posts are kind of boring. All I do is a day-by-day description of my life--and that's no good.
Instead, I think I'll talk about things that I want to, in non-chronological order.

So I was looking at my blog the other day...and I came across this (sorry about the shoddy quality). But you have to admit: this is quite impressive. Somehow, there have been 19 people from Turkey checking my blog. I don't quite know how. It is rather frightening to find out that my black market contacts in China have been able to find me online. I might want to change that. But the weirdest part, to me, is found by comparing operating systems with browsers. The most views have been on windows.....but I have most views on Safari. That means that some people out there are using...Safari..... On a PC. *cough*blasphemy*cough* Also, someone with an iPhone-for-old-people (also known as an iPad) has been looking at my blog (so what it if was only once. It counts!).

That was my perusing. I've had a quite good week; I have not yet heard back from my interview from last week, which disappoints me because I want money (sadface :( ) *update: I just talked to Gariet, who already had a job working there, and he told me that there are already new people, so I most likely didn't get it. Yippee...

This week: I went to the gym. Twice. It was way intense. Especially considering how I've never actually worked out at a gym before; sure, they showed us around the weight room when we were in high school, but we never had consecutive classes where we just went and worked out. And I didn't want to go in when I didn't have class, because why would I go to school if I didn't have a good reason? Anyway, all this to say that I'm way sore, but it feels good.

And I was just going to post this, but then I forgot about it.... last thing I'll do before I send it to the (digital) presses is to tell you all (yes, even you canadians/turkey-ans/poles/south koreans/chinese/etc.) about the dates I went on. Thursday night I had an awesome date with a girl named Alaina, from my ward: we made dinner (this awesome pasta/chicken thing) while watching 30 Rock (the live showing) and then went to the HumorU show. It was full of lulz, as well as being quite awesome. Then, on Saturday, FSCC had a bowling activity with the intent that we could bring guests/dates. I invited Aubree (also in my ward), and it was awesome. The place was in Heber, but Our Fearless Leader (OFL) drove us through the mountains, which was pretty except for the end of the drive when we all though we were going to die (Yay!). However, we made it to the little bowling place safely, and they had food, and OFL paid for it all (which is awesome).

Kay, now I'm done. And now I can post to my own pleasure, not feeling pressured to update every little detail of my vida

Monday, October 4, 2010

Today. Has been like the best day evar. J totes.

Hey so GUESS WHAT I'm posting again. What. Is. This. You must be asking yourselves in excitement and awe.
*edit: I started this on Monday but became really tired of writing about my wonderful day. Now I'm finishing it. And writing about the rest of the days until today.
I am here today to tell you about the wonderful and magnificent day I had today (Monday).
I had classes and stuff...but then they were over. After math I went to the ESC to do my Geology lab. upon finishing that, I went to the door to see that it was raining. It was just your usual lame desert rain, but as I kept walking (and singing) though it, it increased in intensity until I was walking through inch deep water. Needless to say, I took of my shoes and splashed happily across campus. I got home and threw my stuff in the hall, then went back out to play in the rain. Behind my building, someone had started a a mud slide on the grass. Over the course of a good 15, 20 minutes, more and more people came. It was pretty awesome. However, I did get grass and muddy water all over myself and my clothes. On the upside, I partook of hot chocolate with Katelyn and Kristen.
On the downside, I lost my phone. I had thrown my bag, wallet, and phone into the hall, then run out to play....when I came back my phone was missing. Note that my wallet was not missing, nor were any of the contents of the wallet removed. However, my phone was not there. I immediately assumed it had been stolen, and went to change all my passwords and disable my phone, to limit personal information that such a thief might have access to. I also borrowed my roommate's phone to call and text my phone to breathe out threatenings to whomever had done the deed. I called the university police to report the happenings, and an officer came over to collect a statement and check things out....while there we found my phone. While it was close to where I had left it, the placement of it were rather suspect. My theory is that someone had taken it, then their guilty conscience (and my threatenings) convinced them to return it, so they hid it.
But I did find it!
At 6:30 we had family home evening: it was a ward-wide activity about indexing, which was awesome (due in no small part to the free food that they gave us :). Upon coming home (around 8) I studied for Geology. Now, the testing center is open until 10:00, but the last test is handed out at 8:00. I studied diligently until I looked at the time and saw that it was 8:44. I knew I needed to go to the testing center by 9:00, but didn't know if I knew the material well enough. I took about 10 more minutes to read through the last bit of the material then dashed off. I got on my bike and got to the testing center right as they said it was closing (but in the good way: I got in). With my blood rushing, and breathing high, I whipped through the 76 questions in about 30 minutes, not quite sure what to expect. Turned in the test, walked down the stairs, and looked at my score: 97% baby! First test in the semester, and I did quite well. That night, I found Leverage season 3 online and stayed up to an undisclosed time.
Then there was Tuesday. Tuesday was interesting: I got up earlyearly in the morning to go to book of mormon, then came back and went to sleep. However, I did not have the foresight (or the awakeness) to set an when I woke up and saw that it was 12:01 I kind of panicked. Rushed to get ready and get my stuff together, then realized when I got to the ESC that I didn't have my walk-in lab, so I had to negotiate with the secretary of the Phys/math office to print it off of my computer. Luckily, I was able to make it into class before they were all turned in.
That evening I went to a google internship seminar or something...I went because of the free pizza which they provided immediately following: brick oven (also, there was root beer). Some time after that, I asked someone to the divine comedy show this weekend: fast forward to Wednesday morning; they were all sold out. Cooooool.
The rest of Wednesday was way busy: after classes I devoted myself to my CS test. I spent a long time in the library, and finished it up at home before bringing it in to the lab to turn it in. It worked, as much as I could tell. That evening RHA had a fall- and soccer- themed activity at Heritage, which I went to for free food but stayed for great company. Getting home at around 11:00, I took 15 minutes to write a one page paper for geology, then went for a job interview at the RB at midnight (for late-night custodial). Crossed fingers!
El Jueves fui a mi clase del Libro de Mormon otra vez, pero no he recibido bastante dormido para funcionar durante la clase. Como magico, no me acoste durante la clase, pero fue muy dificil pagar atencion cuando mis ojos no quedaron abriendo. Regrese a casa, y me acoste por dos horas mas. Me desperte con bastante tiempo para desayunar y ir a la ESC para hacer mi laboratorio de geologia. Claro, despues de eso, tenia la clase de geologia. Siguiendo, paso unas horas en la oficina de Y-serve, pero tenia que salir porque necesitaba ir a True Blue Football, una actividad muy buena que es parte de los actividades de Homecoming esa semana. El punto de este actividad es tener divertido en muchisima espuma azul (para entender eso de que lo hablo, cambiare mi foto de perfil muy temprano, y podran ver). Entonces fui a otro actividad de homecoming, que se llama BYU Spectacular. Estaba en el centro Mariott, y muchos grupos diferentes se nos presentaron; El coro de mujeres, los embajadoritos, la orquesta filarmonica, las cougarettes, y otros personas y grupos. Fue magnifico. Despues de eso, paso tiempo a las casa de Dezzy y Courtney.
And now today is friday! and I'm in class! and I'm finally done, after starting this post on monday. Lovely :)
I wish upon you all a good weekend.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's Conference Weekend!!!

This whole procrastination thing is really taxing to me; I feel like by the time I get around to posting, I end up throwing up text all over the blog, not making it interesting. So take this as a goal to post more regularly (conference has given me an idea as for what to do with my blog).
Until then, I will continue with my massive week updates.
Last Wednesday was a day of frantic business and then relaxation; I had a 600 word essay that was due by 5:00, and my last class of the day got out at three, so I was busy doing that..during was all good. It was just contrasting how Aristotle was perceived in his own day compared to today.
I'm sure I did something that evening, I just have no idea what it was
Thursday: I rode my bike to Book of Mormon, then I went to get it registered. It costs 1 WHOLE DOLLAR to register one's bike...nbd. Then I went to visit freshman mentoring, to get out of it, and they told me that I had taken everything they needed me to, so I am good. After fall, I no longer have to deal with freshman mentoring.
Then I had geology. Bam.
That evening I got to see my Dad and Logan again!! They came out for conference (this weekend) and we went out to Magleby's for dinner (which was an interesting experience in and of itself, and something that I could probably spend more time on if I wasn't talking about a large span of time).
Friday I had a ton of classes, and *finished* up my lab fr CS 142. I completed all the requirements, there was just one aesthetic thing that I couldn't figure out. However, upon asking the TA for help, he refused, saying that since that part was under extra credit he could do nothing to help me. I am very frustrated at him.
But after that my dad came to pick me up, and I left provo without looking back.
So, then, we had this day called Saturday. Now, Saturday is a special day (because it's the day you get ready for sunday. Besides that, though), because it's General Conference! This is the first time I've had conference at the actual time happens. All during my life, I've been on Eastern time during conference, which is 12-2 and 4-6, (and 8-10 for priesthood). But I am in Utah, and used to the time, so I had conference at 10! (which meant I had to get up before that. Oh well. It was worth it!) The first session I got a lot of notes on, especially the first half. The second half of it was spent in the car on my way back to provo...
*explanation sequence* So, the reason why Dad and Logan are out here is because Dad has made it a tradition that when we turn twelve, we get to go out to priesthood session (Janessa went out for the General Relief Society boradcast). Preisthood session was that night, and of course for attending the session one needs to dress up buuuuuutt..... I forgot to bring my church clothes with me *end sequence* I was going back to provo to pick up my clothes, and listened to elder christofferson's and elder uchtdorf's talk on the way.
We got back after the session ended, and Grandad took me to get a haircut
we listened to the first session, then left at 3 to get to Salt Lake early.
We got there at ~4:00, and were able to get into the conference center after parking and walking. Fun fact: there are these people near the center who aren't quite right in the head...they have some beef with us and have decided that the only thing they can do about it is act like foolz and yell a bunch of stuff...of course, everyone ignored them, but they were there anyway.
Priesthood Session was amazing, of course! (we had really good seats). We met up with some old family friends, the Carlsons (who moved to San Antonio ages ago). Got Ben and Jerry's (which made me happy. Yummy ice cream is yummy). Today we finished up conference; Grandma made us breakfast and an amazing lunch.
I really don't feel like putting in details about random things
So bye.