Tuesday, October 12, 2010

That's how I say it with my Klingon accent

So, I've had some time to think, and reflect, and ponder...and I've come to the conclusion that my blog posts are kind of boring. All I do is a day-by-day description of my life--and that's no good.
Instead, I think I'll talk about things that I want to, in non-chronological order.

So I was looking at my blog the other day...and I came across this (sorry about the shoddy quality). But you have to admit: this is quite impressive. Somehow, there have been 19 people from Turkey checking my blog. I don't quite know how. It is rather frightening to find out that my black market contacts in China have been able to find me online. I might want to change that. But the weirdest part, to me, is found by comparing operating systems with browsers. The most views have been on windows.....but I have most views on Safari. That means that some people out there are using...Safari..... On a PC. *cough*blasphemy*cough* Also, someone with an iPhone-for-old-people (also known as an iPad) has been looking at my blog (so what it if was only once. It counts!).

That was my perusing. I've had a quite good week; I have not yet heard back from my interview from last week, which disappoints me because I want money (sadface :( ) *update: I just talked to Gariet, who already had a job working there, and he told me that there are already new people, so I most likely didn't get it. Yippee...

This week: I went to the gym. Twice. It was way intense. Especially considering how I've never actually worked out at a gym before; sure, they showed us around the weight room when we were in high school, but we never had consecutive classes where we just went and worked out. And I didn't want to go in when I didn't have class, because why would I go to school if I didn't have a good reason? Anyway, all this to say that I'm way sore, but it feels good.

And I was just going to post this, but then I forgot about it.... last thing I'll do before I send it to the (digital) presses is to tell you all (yes, even you canadians/turkey-ans/poles/south koreans/chinese/etc.) about the dates I went on. Thursday night I had an awesome date with a girl named Alaina, from my ward: we made dinner (this awesome pasta/chicken thing) while watching 30 Rock (the live showing) and then went to the HumorU show. It was full of lulz, as well as being quite awesome. Then, on Saturday, FSCC had a bowling activity with the intent that we could bring guests/dates. I invited Aubree (also in my ward), and it was awesome. The place was in Heber, but Our Fearless Leader (OFL) drove us through the mountains, which was pretty except for the end of the drive when we all though we were going to die (Yay!). However, we made it to the little bowling place safely, and they had food, and OFL paid for it all (which is awesome).

Kay, now I'm done. And now I can post to my own pleasure, not feeling pressured to update every little detail of my vida

1 comment:

  1. The ipad could have been Logan. He is inseparable from the ipad. He takes it everywhere with him and uses it all of the time.
    You're the best! Go Turkey!
