Wednesday, September 9, 2015

久しぶり - It's been too long

So I still have this blog! For some reason, I haven't really touched it since I finished my stint as an RA. I guess having real friends (and not being in charge of 38 immature freshman) really diminishes my need to vent on the world about whatever is on my mind.

To make a long story short, I did a lot more ballroom dance and in doing so met the woman of my dreams and who is now my wife. See more details about that here:

But this blog is called Ha-college matata, and I'm still in college so it's still (theoretically) valid. I figured I'd write a little note here because I'm actually enlivening my blog specifically for a class. Now, it's not some creative writing or journalism class that wants me to utilize various media of communication. No, this is actually a core major class about ethics within the world of computing. And most of our assignments are going to be part of this blog.

Why is this important? Well, if you happen to be one of the people who follow my blog (I think I have 8?), don't be surprised when I start posting short random blurbs. I figured that the things I would be posting were of similar enough quality to my previous posts, so why not just keep using it. And who knows? Maybe it will help me to pick back up writing in my blog!

Anyways, that's just my little update. Stay tuned for my thoughts on current events, class lectures, and more! So exciting :)


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