Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hey so

I'm back. I found another computer that wasn't being used and that wasn't going to be shut down. *phew* this keyboard is somewhat different, which is why I'm back here. Okaybye

This will be quick

because I still have to finish this paper and not much time to do it in. Okay: random thought of the day: Rebecca Black's initials? RB: Really Bad. Ponder that for a while.
Ummmm I feel like there's some other stuff to say but mainly anyone reading this is going to be disappointed because there's not really any content it's just me warming up my fingers and getting ready to typetypeteyp
on that note, I sure am glad that we have computers. Imagine if our teachers wanted us to print our essays and we had to rent out a time in a legit printing place (like where the Book of Mormon was originally printed) and we had to set every letter by hand. That would get rather annoying. And The computer just told me that they're all shutting down for devotional soon.
Cool. That's way neat.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It must be that time again

and by that time I mean I'm working on my paper. Yay. I'm a little tired-tipsy right now, so my thoughts are not coming together very well at all right now. Hopefully this word vomit will increase my thought processes, and enable me to write my essay faster and easier and more awesomer. Yeah. This will *totally* help. Awesomer is exactly what I need to use on my essay.
Actually, I'm in a different part of the library today, and I'm liking this keyboard better than the last one, so it should at least help my WPM in that respect (though I'm still a sloppy typer; good thing this isn't a type writer or else I'd have to put correction fluid all over the place. So I had my German party today: we had lots of good food (this one kid made a pizza on wheat bread. Suprisingly good!). But the feature of class was that every groups' skits were due. Three groups had filmed their skits, and the other two groups (ours included) performed ours live. My favorite of the other skits was the two guys who had done a rough translation of RB's Friday into German, and filmed themselves biking around. Actually, I might be able to find it. Gimme a sec.
YES! I found it :)

It's made even better by the fact that they can't sing..at all. Gelol.
Ok, that just made me really happy again. I'll leave you all alone now, and try to get another page down. See you in another page and/or occurrence of writer's block

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Long time no see

Back so soon...it must just mean I'm procrastinating. Though I almost have a full page! Only 4 more to go :(
So random information about myself: I've been going to the gym with some of my roommates (mainly Chase, though) for the past two months (on and off). We change up our routine every time, but we keep one thing every time we go: the bench. I think it's my best measure of improvement: When I first went I started off benching something like 85 pounds; as of Tuesday, I benched 135. And not maxing out, either, but I got a full 10 reps in.
So college is awesome: I'm having teacher sanctioned class parties in at least three of my classes: the only thing that's bad about that is that I have to remember to bring stuff in: on Monday I have to bring cups in for my social dance party, and then I'm bringing chips in for my German 101 party (Deutscheparty?)! The following Wednesday is my acting class's party (and did I mention that it's the day I get my mission call? no? well it is. WO0000OO00oo00OO00oOooOOO0t!).
Ummmmm go go gadget gratuitous video:

Hello World

yo. Sup. Okay, let's cut to the chase. I haven't been posting recently because I haven't had the time. There's this whole college thing around me and that, surprisingly, is rather time/commitment/life/blegh consuming. If I happen to not be posting, one might safely assume one of two extreme cases: 1) I am tearing my life to shreds, playing video games at all hours of the day/night, never going to sleep and possibly developing a drug habit. Or 2) I am spending my free time improving myself, going to the gym, going running, actually doing homework that isn't due tomorrow, and getting my mission papers ready. Yes folks, my mission papers. I got them all prepared, and turned in 10 days ago (Sunday before last). I should get my call one week from today (provided you're reading this and it's Wednesday, otherwise just go to next Wednesday). So that's FREAKING EXCITING!!! *ahem*.
To be honest, the biggest reason I'm updating, writing all of this stuff that no one cares to read anyways, is because I have a paper to write, and I am a master procrastinator. Now, I've had my roommate hide my video games, and I ditched my laptop in order to come to the library and use a computer that doesn't have any sort of games on it at all. Of course, then I found some flimsy excuse about how I'm not used to these keyboards, and so the best way to deal with that was to hash out a blag post. (yeayy). This is the result of my 'efforts to get acquainted with my computer'.
Short blurbtastic blurb about my life: I have finals in two count 'em two weeks. Actually, it's more like 10 days. I have the next two days of class, plus the following week, then finals. Of course, some of my finals start before the proclaimed Week O' Pain. Both of my dance classes are testing next week, Swing in my social dance class, and our final dance for my clogging class.
The below, for funs, is the first dance we did (in class we test a skills test, then a short solo, then a dance. This video was the first dance we did, and we are in the process of learning our last one now, which we will test next Thursday).

I know I could have been a lot better, what with energy and high knees and remembering the progression of the steps and such. Don't hate.
Anyways, I should probably get to my essay now. If I do find myself faltering, I'll come right back here, don't you worry :p