Monday, April 11, 2011

It must be that time again

and by that time I mean I'm working on my paper. Yay. I'm a little tired-tipsy right now, so my thoughts are not coming together very well at all right now. Hopefully this word vomit will increase my thought processes, and enable me to write my essay faster and easier and more awesomer. Yeah. This will *totally* help. Awesomer is exactly what I need to use on my essay.
Actually, I'm in a different part of the library today, and I'm liking this keyboard better than the last one, so it should at least help my WPM in that respect (though I'm still a sloppy typer; good thing this isn't a type writer or else I'd have to put correction fluid all over the place. So I had my German party today: we had lots of good food (this one kid made a pizza on wheat bread. Suprisingly good!). But the feature of class was that every groups' skits were due. Three groups had filmed their skits, and the other two groups (ours included) performed ours live. My favorite of the other skits was the two guys who had done a rough translation of RB's Friday into German, and filmed themselves biking around. Actually, I might be able to find it. Gimme a sec.
YES! I found it :)

It's made even better by the fact that they can't all. Gelol.
Ok, that just made me really happy again. I'll leave you all alone now, and try to get another page down. See you in another page and/or occurrence of writer's block

1 comment:

  1. That was horribly amazing! It was hilariously sickening! Wow. I watched it with JB and Soren and they don't get it. Hahahahahahahahehehehehehehehehhhihihihihihihihihohohohohohohohohuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-And sometimes-hyhyhyyhyhyhyhyh
