Monday, August 9, 2010

Ein Duetsches Requiem y L'Histoire du Soldat

lame excuse and then CUT TO THE BLOG:
So I don't really feel like doing a play by play of my week since last monday, so I'll just go with highlights.
Last Monday for FHE we went to Bridal veil falls (where Trent and I went on our double date the week before) except this time, we actually climbed the waterfall. It was probably the most frightening thing I've ever done, but I stuck through it and got to the top in one piece (actually a little bit more than that; the water added some extra mass). We found another way down than actually climbing the waterfall down, but that path was very dusty so my shoes were a total mess after that (I haven't worn them since then).
The main thing I did last week was stay up late and sleep in. Since bio lectures were over, I didn't have to wake up so early, so I developed an extremely healthy pattern of reading webcomics until CENSORED in the morning, and then sleeping until near noon. Needless to say, I didn't post that much :P.
I took my Bio test on Wednesday; it was only 25 questions, and so my one wrong answer cost my 4 points, which was annoying, but meh. I can't complain, seeing how it is the only class right now that I have an A in (which is ironic, because today is the day that we are supposed to be studying for finals tomorrow and Thursday, but my concentration is all like meh so I decided to do something productive and finally do a blog post).
Thursday was actually a departure from my laziness^theextreme; I got up early and went swimming, then on the way back I decided to stop by at my *favorite* place ever, the freshmen mentoring office. There's a whole long story that I don't really feel like getting into, regarding my bundles and changing them around, but the end result is that I applied for special permission to not take my bundle, but to substitute History 201 with Music 201 which is better than plain history, and helps me towards my music minor, as well as a bunch of other good arguments like that. That made me happy. Another productive thing I did that day was beat Ocarina of Time (w00t!). Also, I picked up my Ukulele and played around, which was fun; I especially worked on Izrael Kamakavivo'ole's Somewhere over the rainbow (which was funsauce). I also rewrote my BoM essay (which, conveniently, was due that day) and turned it in. Here's hoping I have some degree of success with it (remember that 'A' I was talking about earlier? Yeah, I need one for BoM, too. Which reminds me; I need to study for that. Scott Albright, where art thou?). My Friday was wicked chill; with no Bio (still) and no Music (because it's Friday) I slept in again and started playing Majora's Mask. At some point in the day I went down with Dezzy to get tickets to another HumorU show that they were doing; instead of doing stand up comedy, though, this time they did a "movie mocktacular." Explanation: they picked three movies that were produced by BYU, but that were wicked old and somewhat cheesy (read: hilarious to make fun of). And that's exactly what they did. They played three short movies from '77, '66, and '69, and had commentary on them. It was a bit scripted, but it was enjoyable.
Saturday rolled around, which was awesome by virtue of being Saturday I don't remember doing much--I slept in again (now this is just getting old) and played both majora's mask and battlefront (on my DS). I did do something somewhat productive, though; I imported all the songs that I would need for my Music ID test come Monday onto my computer, so I wouldn't have to waste time later doing so. The culmination of Saturday, though, was the Divine Comedy Alumni show that evening. Divine comedy is like HumorU, but better. Instead of stand up, it is skit humor, and I loves it. Two especially great skits they did were parodies of musicals; they did the Marriott School Musical and Latter-day Miserable. After the show I hung out with Melissa and Katie, but then Melissa had a 'date' with her 'study partner', so Katie and I just hung out, which vas cool.
Sunday came the next day, as it generally tends to do, and it had me at the piano all of sacrament meeting. Ward choir was performing two musical numbers; luckily only one of them was accompanied. However, the day before, Tatiana had asked me to fill in as pianist for sacrament, because everyone else was unable to. So, that meant I was not only playing for ward choir, but three other hymns. And that's not even counting prelude and postlude music. It went well, though; I pulled it all off. I was kind of falling asleep in priesthood meeting, but then sunday school woke me up because my amazing teacher Taze baked >100 cookies. It was yummy-making. That afternoon our ward went on a walk to the temple, which was cool. Many pictures were had by all. (also, sorry about not having pictures, but I'm just going to put all my pictures from my phone onto facebook after the term is over. It's a lot easier on me). I also studied for my music ID test. That evening saw me and two other individuals working on our bio presentation for the next day (which has an interesting story attached to it). Monday morning is the day of our bio presentation, so I set my alarm to 8:00 so I can wake up and be there with plenty of time. I woke up, sure enough, but someone was in the shower so I decided to just wait in my bed for them to be done. I woke up at 9:02. Class starts at 9:00, and our group was supposed to go second. I rushed, you have no idea how much adrenaline was going through my body. I literally made it into the classroom right as the first group finished their presentation. If it wasn't for my bike, I would have been in a lot of trouble. Miraculously, I made it. Best thing about it was the perfect 50/50 grade we got. I felt like including it here, so you can see the awesomeness thereof:

After bio, I came home and studiedstudiedstudied. I broke for lunch in the cougareat, just so I could get out of the house, and ran in to Mike Marcasciano there, which was neat. He was on his way to take a physical science test, and I was actually studying for my test as I ate (I brought my laptop). The moment of reckoning came...and I did horribly. Out of 26 questions, I probably got 5-6 wrong. The worst was the first example, which was actually part of Wozzeck, but since it didn't have the Sprechstimme singing, I dismissed it. It was bad. The result is that I havetohavetohaveto do well on my final. At this point I'm aiming just to keep my head above water--somewhere around B-, B territory.
But ignoring that annoyingness and moving on; we had our last FHE last night, the whole ward together. It was alright; really good food and decent desert, followed by a slide show. I don't know if anyone else knows this about me, but for some reason whenever there is a slideshow or some such thing at the close of an event, I am severely under-represented. In this 15 minute slideshow, I was in some three pictures. This isn't new; far from it. It happens all the time, in fact. Maybe it's just something about my vampiric nature... :X''' Whatever the case, that was that. I was bored after that, until I found out that Stargate Atlantis is on Netflix instant queue. That made me veryvery happy. I watched it. Then I went to sleep. Then I woke up. Now it's today. Now I just sound stupid, so I'm done. Bye.

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