Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Head hung low

Good! Now that their attention has been diverted by the amusing movie, I can breathe a sigh of relief from having to defend myself from the raving *hordes* of blog readers that have been coming up with assassination plots to punish me for my inattentiveness. Oh; they're starting to pay attention. *ahem*
and cut to blog
It was a day full of studying. I studied for/did my take home BoM final. I probably did some fun stuff as well, but that was a wicked long time ago, soooo sorry :\
LAST WEDNESDAY (the beginning of the end): I resolved my BoM final; ended up with an 89.85 (rounding please BYU?). Spent a good portion of the day studying for Music 202 Final. I also did a lot of packing; I put together all my kitchen stuff and other things I didn't think I would need over the next two weeks (including all my extra contacts :\ Good thing my natural eyesight isn't terrible *cough* Trent *cough*). I also had to drain off my meal plan, so I went to the creamery and spent some 50 bucks on assorted items (with the intent that they would help me in the future: flour, batteries...good stuff like that).
LAST THURSDAY (the end (?) of the end): Trent was the first to leave the apartment. It was sad(ish. Kind of. Ok, not really). I bought him lunch so I could drain off the rest of my meal plan; ended up with $3.48 left. I went from that lunch to take my Music test; ended up getting a 90% (yay!) which made me happy (yay!) and redundant (yay!). That was the day I left. My dad and brother came out to Utah that day and picked me up. I said goodbye to all my dear friends (and some frenemies as well (just kidding. I don't have frenemies)) and then left them all in the dust 3:)> It sure was good to see them again. That night we ate dinner at the Kelly's house, and had fun with all sorts of relatives.
LAST FRIDAY: We woke up in a lazy fashion, and went over to Tutu and Gdad's house. I brought my 3 bags of laundry (I didn't economize on space; all that were in the bags were clothes. I just stuffed them in. So sue me). Tutu is awesome because she does a whole bunch of laundry for me (Thanks Tutu!). I don't really remember what happened the rest of the day; we probably did fun stuff.
LAST SATURDAY: woke up early in the morning to go ballooning! And boy do I mean early. Pics are up on facebook (as of last saturday :p ). By 12 we got back to Tutu and Gdad's house, and loaded up for our EPIC TRIP OF COLORADOness. *background:* The reason my dad and brother were able to come out to Utahland was because my dad had a conference in Keystone Colorado, so got his company to pay for the airfare. Following will be a departure from day-to-day retelling of events.
DE TRIP: We spent our first day driving north and east towards Vernal, Utah. We got there and booked our hotel for the night, then went and spent the rest of the day at Dinosaur National Park (pictures also up on facebook). Didn't get to see any dinosaurs; there was a severe lack of Chrichton-y occurence. Stayed in Vernal that night, had a really nice breakfast and went to church at 9:00 (so I was up early again). The ward we went to weren't really that used to visitors (we could tell). Then we drove and drove and drove and got to Keystone sometime that afternoon/evening; had dinner at this nice pizza place and crashed for the night. Monday saw us doing fun things; we went minigolfing, went to see Inception (which I really, really liked. Talk to me if you want to hear my thoughts. I don't feel like padding this post any more than necessary), and took a chair lift to the top of one of the mountains they have up there (considering that at the base of said mountain we were already 9,321 feet in the air, you can be sure that it was pretty high). Monday ended and Tuesday came; we went kayaking in the little lake there in the resort. That was also the day that my dad gave his speech, which he did while Grandad, Logan, and I were Kayaking. We spend most of the day driving back, but took a *little* detour to see Arches National Park. Now, that place is amazing. Absolute feats of nature. However, it was quite hot that day and the 3 hours we spent in the park were a little bit of overkill. Pictures will be up soon (along with pictures from my Grandad's camera from the trip. The most efficient way of sharing those, that I could come up with, was just to put them on facebook. So that will happen).
We got back to American Fork at around late:atnight and crashed.
TODAY (for me. For all those people I left back east, it's already tomorrow. Except that for them it's today, just not today. Comprende? :)
Last time I have to get up early for a while (I hope). Got up at 7 to go to the Timpanogas Temple; our timing was really good. We got in right before another ward did, so we only ended up being there not even an hour (which is good). Came back and worked on some stuff; Tutu and Grandad needed a new computer so we went shopping for that (and I went with to get a new wireless mouse. Mine had been inadvertently left in the hotel. In Colorado. Yeah.....). Came back and were setting it up; the best thing about it is that I get their old computer. Granted, it's a desktop, and kind of old, but it allows me to finally use Ubuntu without having to worry about lost functionality or loss of Stargate Atlantis. Also, it means I have two computers for the fall ::D As we speak, Ubuntu is installed and Evolution is busy downloading all my emails from the server. Then, at quarter to 1:00, Tutu, Grandad, Great-Grandma (McQuivey), and I all piled into the car to go see Lion King in Salt Lake. It. Was. Breathtaking. The issue you run into with a show like that is that the story is so well known, so to distinguish one's self, you have to focus on other features of the production. This broadway group did so (as anyone will know if they've seen a production) by using amazing costumes. Simply amazing. Words fail to describe the awful intensity of the costumes; and I am using the composite meaning of awe-full. (For those of you (you know who you are) it was full of awe). And the music was great--we could see the two setups of congas from where we were, and it was great during a musical number to be able to look over and just see their hands all over the drums. Before leaving, though, we said our goodbyes to Dad and Logan, as their flight was leaving at ~4:00. They're probably home by now(ish). After the show, we stopped by Olive Garden. 'Twas yummy. Then, we came home, and Logan and Dad were of course not here. And I've been chilling. It's been great. Then some part of my subconscious suggested that I finally get down to this blog thing... and I agreed because that part of my subconscious threatened to stab me with a knife if I didn't; Oh, wait, that was inception. Silly me. But wait, it's done!
Except for right now, it doesn't make much sense because I'm not actually in college, and the blog is supposed to be about college.. Oh well. Time to retire. And publish this. And hope there are still people who will read this kind of garbage. Especially since it's soo long. I know I wouldn't really want to read it. Boooooring.
Bonus for all of you who read to the end.

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