Sunday, January 23, 2011

...and the yak wanted to go to Belgium, but I stayed back

hello, hello, hello! It's that time of the (insert time period here) again! I finally have a free day in which I can do stuff. Not to say that yesterday wasn't productive: I slept in until 12:30, then got a haircut from a friend, made German pancakes for breakfast, and played racquetball with my roommates. Of course, Peter pan followed...and it was an interesting show. I'm sure that it was just the product of 5 full nights of work, but things just got sloppy. NO, we did not drop anyone. It wasn't that kind of sloppy. There was one part, though, in the Peter v. Hook fight where Peter is supposed to fly, but she kind of forgot to put on one of her she went up and did a kind of diagonal flip in place. There were other places, too, where the actors were rushing the music, and some lines that were forgotten or slow to come. I'm glad for everyone's sake that we get a two day break.
Today was church. Hurrah!
That's basically it....this past week was fraught with Peter Pan, and a small annoyance stemming from CS 235 having to do with a lab to turn in that I had to turn in late (good luck with that sentence). I am pretty much addicted to creamery chocolate milk, now...I'm going through a withdrawal seeing as how I finished it all last night and can't buy more until tomorrow...oh noes! In other news, I'm learning Japanese and German. Ist gut. Totemo Ii des nee. Also, I have a clogging quiz on thursday, and a New testament quiz on the same day. Also, I'm tired. I get really into these webcomics, and am reading them into the late hours of the night.
Ummmm yeah. We have ward prayer at 8, and our FHE is presenting. It should be fun. yeah. I want chocolate. Also, I think I'm going to go have a nap now..
Wait! I also went to walmart last night. I got some more contact solution, and some real peanut butter, and some parmesan cheese. And some bread. yay. wow. I need sleep. bye.

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