Monday, January 3, 2011


Oh, hey, world. It's me, Jansen. I've been thinking about this blog..mainly about how I haven't posted on it in ages, but more so about the content thereof. When I first started this blog it was with the intent to display a piece of college life. However, my posts end up just being boring transcriptions of my life, and quite frankly, I think they're boring. Of course, once I'd stopped posting every day, it made it even harder to come back and post somewhat consistently. I did say in one *recent* post that I'd keep this blog to random thoughts of mine, but I realized a while back that all of my random thoughts that I feel are worth sharing end up going on facebook. Therefore, I am in a pickle about all of this: I think what I'll end up doing is sharing thoughts about my life, and fill in the background if necessary. Though again, the whole boredom factor is still there. I dunno. We shall see. It is a new year, and I have made a decision to myself to write in a journal somewhat frequently; only problem is I don't really have a journal, and I don't know if this would suffice, or if I should create a private venue for such matters. Or just both. Is the importance in journaling the fact that it gets written down, or that I have a record of my life that I can refer to in later years? Dunno.
Light bulb! If I include enough philosophizing in my ramblings, it might be interesting enough to keep people's attention.
Thought number n+1: I can *review* movies I've seen! Yay! Someone versed in the fine arts of the cinema might recognize my Light Bulb! quote: it's from Despicable Me, which I saw for the first time on Friday. Quite frankly, it is adorable. One might go so far as to declare the movie to be adorbz. Love the minions. Love the fact that Russell Brand played a comedically old doctor. Love the whole idea of the plot. Loved Steve Carell's execution of the Gru character. And of course, loved Agnes, Edith, and Margo (in that order).
What is he going on about?
Also over the break: I saw Tron and Narnia. Two exceptional movies, in very different veins. Tron was simply awesome: it took the world from the original movie and expanded on it. I have my issues with it, such as: how does a guy design a laser (in the '80s) that can convert mass into energy, and vice versa? How does a rich kid who lives in a shipping container have the ability to be good at disc combat? Granted, his skill with a motorcycle was already demonstrated, but his hand to hand combat abilities went unexplained. But besides all that, it was an amazing movie. Graphically beautiful, with a surprisingly good storyline and of course classic actors (Jeff Bridges did an amazing job). I'd definitely see it again. Now, Narnia I saw on Friday, and was quite impressed: at two things. 1) at the overall quality of the movie. They certainly did not skimp when it came to visual effects; *spoiler alert* Dragon Eustace was especially impressive. And of course, it being the land of Narnia, the inhabitants thereof were equally impressive. 2) I was impressed at the quite blatant (from my point of view) acknowledgment of the underlying Christian themes. I felt that in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the focus of the movie was on temptation and the resisting thereof. This was the thing most powerfully conveyed by the movie, but they also showed the repentance process, again, with Eustace. Of course, the best bit came at the end with Aslan telling Lucy and Edmund that in their world he was known by a different name, and that they needed to come to know him (Him?) there as they had come to know him in Narnia. Now, I'm not saying that they did this in error, quite the opposite in fact. I'm most impressed by the fact that they were able to get it produced through hollywood and have it be a major motion picture.
While I'm on this bent about changing up my blog posts, I'm going to try and not save a post from day to day.. just post it before the day's over, whether I like it or not. Maybe it'll come out rushed. Maybe not. But here it is.

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