Saturday, January 29, 2011

Did you hear the one about the giraffe with asthma?

...ya, me neither.

This is epic. I wish I had been able to be home to see it. I wish I could have been in it, when it really comes down to it. Probs to J-Csap and Will for the reenactment.
So, this is really short: I've had peter pan all week, and in one hour from now it will be all I'm doing today. Before that time I have to read these articles for New Testament and take a quiz on them. Also, I have another German test on Monday.
It snowed earlier this week, which made work a lot easier (since we don't actually have to shovel the main pathways (the tractor plows take care of that), when it snows we just do general ice melt and curb cutting). And my first full payday was yesterday (by which I mean I was paid for a full two weeks of work, instead of a few days here and there as I was last semester before I really got into the swing of things). So that makes me happy.
I'm really enjoying my Japanese class: we're learning katakana, which is a system only used for words borrowed from other languages. So I can spell tape in katakana (romanized as 'teepu') or cake (keeki), but not any of the native Japanese words we're learning in class. It's actually quite fun, working on learning an entirely new alphabet. I'm thinking of getting a whiteboard for our kitchen, so I can practice there; also, it would just be neat to have a whiteboard.
I had a clogging quiz on Thursday; I had only gotten 5 hours of sleep the night before, and so I was ex-haus-ted. I did as well as I could, but it was physically difficult to get my legs up and going.
We started the cha-cha in social dance this week; but that means that we're testing the foxtrot on Wednesday. Cool. It's social dance, but I haven't really gotten to know anyone from the class because it's basically 'dance for a half minute, then switch partners. Rinse, repeat'.
Also notated:
||: dance for half minute, then switch partners :||
while(class.hasNext()) {
dance for half minute;
switch partners;
all that to say that I don't really know who I could dance with for test.
Ummmm okay I have to get back to my readings now. Go Dwarves!
Also Cougars! We beat SDSU on Wednesday, which is like a huge deal. I guess. I was in the DeJong concert hall the whole time :/
Cool. Tchüss!

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