Monday, January 17, 2011

Pastels are for elephants and zoboomafu

So I know I went on this whole spiel about how I would post and then I basically didn't. But fear not, I have an excuse! It's called: I'm working and taking 18 credits. Yippee! I kid you not, every day of school so far has gone like this:
7:00--wake up and get ready for work (shower, breakfast, head out)
8:00-11:00--work. Usually consists of 40 mins to an hour and a half of actual work, the other time spent chilling in the shed or watching movies (last week I saw the A Team, Star Trek, and Bourne Ultimatum (twice)).
11:00 (12:00 TTh)-4:00--classes. MW are as follows: Social Dance 11:00. Japanese 1:00. German 2:00. CS 235 (Data systems) 3:00. Acting Fundamentals 5:00-7:00 TTh are as follows: New Testament 12:00. Japanese 1:00. German 2:00. Beginning Clogging 3:00. Friday is the same as MW but without Social dance and Acting fundamentals.
5:00 and on 'till morning--Peter Pan rehearsals. As a fly boy, I'm there early so we can get in extra not-dropping-people practice. And, it being tech week, those things go pretttty long. Which is why I bring my DS to the rehearsals. =)
Rinse and repeat.
This weekend was pretty chill: Saturday started off with (surprise!) Peter pan rehearsal. I came home to find that one of my roommates had broken his leg and was in the hospital. I then went to a little Summer FHE reunion with my...well, with my summer FHE. DUh. After that I visited some people, and ended up watching that facebook movie (I think it's called social network or something). I wasn't too impressed: It was kind of just showing how Zuckerberg screwed some people over in making facebook, portraying him as someone with mild asperger's and the founder of Napster as some ruthless evil guy (appropriate synonyms not coming to my mind right now: the after-midnight-brain-dead-effect.) That night we hung out with our FHE sisters, playing some intense Nertz, monopoly deal (which I won after 2 rounds :) and various ping pong games. It was nice. Come Sunday, I got a new calling! (which I did find out about on Thursday, so it wasn't a huge surprise or anything :). I am no longer the ward service committee co-chair: I am now my FHE's indexing specialist, which means I'm going to have to come up with creative ways to get my family to do indexing, and keep indexing. I'm thinking baked goods...but am open to suggestions. (homework help? ice cream?). After church I proceeded to do all of my home teaching. BOOO YAH! I like getting it done early. We had ward prayer at one point (~8:00) after wards I was really tired, so of course I stayed up until like 12:00. Today was pretty chill: I slept in until 10:30 (yay!) and then got a lot of work done (which is good because I won't be able to get any done the rest of the week. The highlight of the day was when I got to hang out with a friend of mine (Jennifer), who actually left the ward after last semester and I thought I wasn't really going to see much of anymore, but came to church on Sunday (which gave me the opportunity to set up plans for today). We went to J-Dawgs, a hot dog place just south of campus that is actually really really good, and not too expensive, either. We then checked out the Carl Bloch exhibit at the museum of art, which was really quite amazing. Their set up is spectacular, and I hadn't realized what kind of works Bloch actually has done.

And then we played ping pong, in our own, not-able-to-play-ping-pong way (it was actually quite fun). *cue awe inspiring picture of ping pong...* The only thing about that whole thing was that I don't know whether to classify it as a date or not...I did pay for her food, but never was the word 'date' mentioned....but who am I to question the mysteries of the universe? :P
Anyways: My roommates and I did go to visit Greg today at the hospital; I brought him my DS so he wouldn't get too bored (I did forget to bring the charging cable, though, which made me sad ): But he seems to be doing alright.
FHE today was fun: we made cards for Greg's room, so that will be cool for him when he comes home.
Now I'm really tired, so I'm going to bed. G'night!

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