Saturday, September 18, 2010

emotions are tricky things; kind of like pink elephants playing the didgeridoo

Dang but the time flies by. I might have mentioned how my first week absolutely crawled, but these past two weeks have passed faster than a speeding bullet shot by a gun held by superman as he is flying at his top speed (for any aspiring physicists out there, feel free to try and calculate the speed of that bullet relative to a stationary bystander. End paren. )
Lessee... things I've done since last friday
boychik, I dunno
Oh right! OK:
So that Saturday I woke up early (~6:30) to play racquetball. Immediately after that (ish) we had a service project! The Freshmen Service Corps had it's first activity (which you can see in the pictures, not all of which are up yet). We worked at the Provo Library (The old BYA building) on the tree rings, as well as general landscaping activities. Then we went to North park and did some more little straightening and cleaning activities.
The rest of the day, I'm sure I did something important....which thing was our stake conference. Unfortunately, even though I don't feel like it, I am an adult so I have to go the saturday night session (*complain..*).
But the night turned out well; HumorU had their last 'Best of Spring/Summer' show that night at 10, and Katie was kind (read: awesome) enough to go with me. Again, the whole car thing; we grabbed dinner at the creamery before the show..all in all it was a good time.
Sunday was exciting because Scott got his mission call! Edmonton, Canada, English speaking, reporting January 20-somethingth.
Last week was just school...I didn't have that much homework (that whole not-having-American-Heritage-or-First-Year-Writing thing :) I actually finished my homework for the week on Wednesday (ignoring, of course, my walk-in labs for geology. But those don't really count, anyways due to the easiness thereof). So, mostly, I just drifted around, hanging out with people in my ward, and some old friends from summer and stuff. It was a pretty chill week.
This past weekend was kind of chill; I was sustained on Sunday in my new calling; Service Committee co-chair. That, plus my position in the FSCC...and I feel like someone's trying to tell me something.
and now it's Monday...and i'll try and update more frequently (?) (because that means anything..

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