Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hello fellow cybernet-arians! It is that time of the day (read: week) again where I get to spill out my soul upon the pages of this blog (does it even have pages?)
So.... I've done...stuff.. in the past week..Like for example on Po'akolu I went to class and did stuff..
I'm really blanking on what I did on wednesday.
On Po'aha I didn't have BoM, so I got an extra 3 hours of sleep that morning. I woke up in time to get ready and go to geology, which was awesome more than usual (the usual being the fact that I have Prof. Skinner teaching the class) because for the end of the class he took us outside and demonstrated how the addition of mentos to a 2-liter of diet coke is similar to the buildup of pressure in a volcano. On the way back from class I ran into Amanda, which was nice because I pretty much hadn't seen her since summer term. We caught up and chatted, and I remembered to ask if she was interested in my committee for FSC which she was (which was awesome) because my committee needs to be great and awesome. The rest of the day I don't really remember what happened except for something that evening that I'd rather not relate.
Po'alima: went pretty quickly. I had the usual classes (and voice lesson) throughout the day, then at 4:30 I packed up my things and went to the Y serve office to get ready to go on a retreat. Explanation: the retreat was for Y serve program directors, and I guess that the freshmen service corps council members qualify as program directors. It was up in cobble creek canyon, at this place the church owns called spring haven. It was pretty cool; it was youth conference style with group meetings and breakout sessions where they talked to us about personal mission statements and the purpose of service within the office and our individual programs. We stayed overnight of course, but that meant waking up at 6:45 Po'aono morning for breakfast and continued talking-to. We got back to Provo at about quarter to 11:00, at which time I promptly went to bed for an hour or so. Then I hung out until the game, which was good for the first 10 minutes and then just went downhill from there. I ended up leaving in the last 7 minutes of the game, and the score didn't improve in that time. Sadness.
That night I went to bed way early, for the purpose of making up for lost sleep (I think I went to bed at 10:30). I also had to be up for an early-morning stake leadership meeting (at 7:00 AM. Yippee.) Following that I went right back home and slept for an hour, then got up again to go to ward council at 9:30, for church that starts at 11:00. My business continued: after church ended (2:00) I had hall meeting (3:00) then had to do various home teaching (4:00-5:00) and then ward choir (6:30-7:30) followed by ward prayer (~8:00-8:30). Following that I was rather sleepy, so I retired.
Po'akahi went well, but it was a longer day than I was used to. I got up for 10:00 CS class, during which I figured out how to do the lab which is due Friday. Unfortunately, that ended up distracting me the next class during which I was suppposed to be paying attention to early medieval literature...
Chorale was its usual self, then I had a lunch break, followed by linear algebra (which has kind of become a little boring, to be honest). After that I went to the blood drive, where I gave double red cells (they take twice as much blood but they give back the plasma and platelets and such) then came back home and worked on my lab, finished it up mostly (I just need to create a GUI for it). After that we had FHE which I ended up ditching because I was so exhausted (that whole lack-of-oxygen thing). I went to bed at 8:30. Yes, I said 8:30. I was tired enough to go to sleep but my body was not used to going to sleep at such an early hour. I ended up waking up every hour, hour and a half or so. That made this morning pretty good, with all that sleep; I made it to Book of Mormon and I paid attention, and then the best part of the day: I made cookies for my home teachees. I had to grab some ingredients from the creamery and borrow some dishes, but I ended up making them. It's a toll house recipe that doesn't use any liquids except for (melted) butter and eggs--but it's quite a lot of butter. They're goooooood. I had geology, during which I learned about sedimentary rocks (don't let me forget to take the quiz on that tonight!) even though I was feeling out of sorts. I'm blaming my lack of red blood cells for that. I had my FSCC meeting after that, during which I laughed way too much (the lack of oxygen) and then I came home, watched Chuck, then wrote this up, and then decided to go and do some homework. Ciao!


  1. I'm all for you giving double reds if it means that you get to bed at a decent hour! Good job! So proud of you--not only for double reds, but for leading the freshmen in Y serve. The retreat sounds awesome. So happy that you've placed yourself with people who want to serve and lead. Sounds like a wonderful group. And you're one of them.

  2. Oh, and I just watched your video. Of all the videos you've posted--this is my absolute favorite! What's up with the Hawaiian day names? Do you think that anyone else has any idea what you're talking about?
