Friday, September 10, 2010

To say that Provo is a small world is like saying the atlantic ocean is damp

Today is Friday
It is a good day to live
Fridays are awesome
This was my Haiku of the week. BTW, this week has gone by a lot faster than last week has...I can't believe that it's really already Friday.
Anyway, boring review of my week start now. On Tuesday I had to wake up at 7:30. I was not very happy about that. I feel like that class is becoming seminary. Luckily I only have to take it for the semester; winter will be a new schedule, free of early morning religion classes. One upside of the class is that I found out that Kristy from my old ward is in my new class (Autumn is as well, but I already had seen her the class before) which is neat. The rest of the day saw me going to the first devotional of the semester (Pres. and Sister Samuelson both spoke). I then had to run to Geology, but made it in time. After class I had an FSCC meeting (we have a service activity on Saturday!). Following that, I did a bit of homework, then went and visited with friends and new people from my ward.
Wednesday I had computer science, followed by music 201, in which we watched this production of Oedipus Rex from the 1950s--one of the trippiest things I've ever seen. All of the actors were wearing masks, and one of them looked like Darth Vader. Afterwards, I chilled (and napped) for the two hours before my Linear algebra class, went there and witnessed Dan Blake write wayyyy too many matrices on the board. After that class I socialized some more; I had everyone from Fox and most from Bowen and Felt. Thursday I again woke up early for BoM; walked there with Kristy. After class I came back and actually did some prep work for CS (I read ahead in the text book. Yippee). Then there was Geology again, after which I came home and took a short nap. Following that, Bethany came over and chilled for a bit, but because my roommates are so entertaining (that was sarcasm) we left, and went to her apartment (where her roommates actually are entertaining. Also, really nice). I believe I am making a return trip there today, and they are coming to my apartment Saturday to watch the BYU-Air Force game (away). Also, they convinced me to take university chorale (*insert bitterness about men's chorus*) which they are in as well. After spending time with them, I went to audition for a new group that is starting on campus, called Glee: Provo, in the spirit of glee. (It's being headed by my old EFY counselor from last year--shout out to Travis!) Following that, I went to watch the divine comedy auditions (they run yesterday and today--I'm auditioning today) to get ideas and see how/what others are doing. After an hour of that, I went down to Helaman halls for Rachel's birthday (yay!). Following that, I was really tired so I didn't end up doing much socializing; I went to my apartment and did my linear algebra homework
Then I went to sleep.
Then I woke up and started
my day. It's Friday.
second spontaneous haiku of the day. This should be interesting.
Also, I'm auditioning for Divine comedy today. erk. ...okay. I should probably pay attention now. Bye!

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