Tuesday, September 21, 2010

too legit to quit

Some of you may be wondering: "why is the sky blue?" and while I can, in fact, answer this question, I'm not going to.
Some of you probably aren't going to be reading this for another week or so because of my recent posting history...so sucks for you.
Today was alright...I woke up to my alarm at 7:30, then turned it off and slept until 10:00. Equating Book of Mormon class to Seminary probably isn't such a good idea, because I now actually have the power to skip-and have virtually few consequences.
Oh well.
I worked a lot today on my Computer Science lab; we were given a partial class that simulates a checkers game, and expected to complete it, and create two new classes (one an object constructor for the players of the simulated game, one the driver) to carry out the simulation. I worked on it and ended up finishing it right before Geology. Geology was AWESOME because a) we graded our walk-in labs (and I got a 100%) and b) we learned about VoLcAnOeS. <--That's right. VOLCANOES. That stuff is legit. And somewhat frightening at the same time.
Immediately following Geology I went to the CS lab to pass off my lab; the lab was fine but the TA did help me with some finer points of Java, for which I was (am) grateful.
I had my FSCC meeting today, which was quite long, actually. The end result of it is that I need a committee for marketing/publicity/advertisement...which is a shame because no (BYU) freshmen read my blog anyway so this shout-out is initialized as null (you can tell I've been working with Java a lot today).
brm b-drm.
I visited with Bethany, Danie, Emilie, (<--oxford comma!) and Amanda today--funny story: I was walking over to Whitney (hall), and was about to go in, when the fire alarm went off (all of heritage did fire drills today) and they came out the front door--they're wicked awesome (even though most of them are Utards--oh, sorry, I meant Utahans. Freudian slip) though I only got to spend a limited amount of time with them because I had to go to my own hall's fire drill (and for volunteering as a door guard, I got over 9000 starbursts. Okay, maybe not so many) but it wasn't a big deal or anything.
(Annoying long run on sentence. Usually I would CDO-out over this, but I guess my grammar senses are weakened past midnight. Go figure.)
I then hung out for a short amount of time at Bowen 14, and then returned an hour later to go running with Kaitlin, Aurora, and Aimee. Disclaimer: I had not been running since May. At least. And I only swam like 3 or 4 times during summer term. Yet somehow, in the high altitude even, I was able to keep up. It made me happy (see? --> :) After that I just chilled and such, took a look at my next CS lab, watched CHUCK-
Ok. Chuck was amazing. Season opener, right? It picked up right where last season left off, and didn't rely to heavily on either romance (season 3 opener), Chuck's nerdiness and general naivete (season 1 opener), or violence/action (most of season 3). I'm excited for the season to continue. Also, Fringe and 30 Rock both start on Thursday (30 rock party anyone? oh wait--no freshmen read my blog. der shame.) and then Stargate Universe starts next Monday. *Excitement!*
For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I'm still awake. This is going to be bad in about 8 hours when I wake up.
Side note! I reconfigured my router today so that my DS can connect--for mi famiglia, that means that I can (conceivably) play you. On....some game or other (PS-if you find my lost Kirby DS game, you can have it).
Tim is going into the MTC in like a day or two; that's exciting :) (The MTC, for any non-mormons out there (yes, Utards (They're Utahans!), there are some out there) is where we brainwa-I mean, train our missil-I mean missionaries to go and be awesome. BTW, there are over 9000 missionaries. Just btw (read: Bee-Tee-doubleyou. Or Bee-Tee-dubs).) <--talk about nested statements. What a plethora of ponderous potpourri!
RT is watching Sumo Wresting on the japanese channel. Again.
Good night seattle.

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you're so busy and happy and having so much fun. Remember when you used to wake up really early every morning and always got to seminary on time? What happened to that?
