Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Bunch o' Stuff

So, I didn't post last night, and I'm trying to make for that. Quick story: I was getting sleep deprived. Long story: you know that feeling you get when you don't get enough sleep and so you're really close to snapping at the smallest thing and your idiot roommate (who will go unnamed) who decided it would be a good idea to interrupt someone who was juggling uncooked eggs and the resulting mess got all over the floor is being an idiot and you wanted to go to bed an hour ago but there was a cute girl over so you wanted to put on a good face but in the end you realized that you were worse than being a third wheel you were more like 4th or 5th and at the same time realizing that if anyone said one word wrong to you you were probably going to try and snap their head off? Yeah, that was me last night. I ended up going to bed by 11, though I initially was going to go to sleep at 10. Of course, the majority of my roommates were still up past 12:00, which is really great when someone's trying to sleep. Luckily, I had the smart idea of turning on Pandora to my Secret Garden station--helped me get right back to sleep.
But I digress. Rewinding to cover the whole day: I got up close to 12 in the afternoon, which meant I missed the devotional, which I was a little bummed about but it turned out the devotional wasn't that good anyway, so I can comfort myself that I didn't miss out on too much. I got ready for my BoM class at 2, but hung out with Trent and some of the girls from our FHE group with before I went to class. Class started out...well. Apparently we were supposed to be assigned a quiz that day (to be completed online), for which I was SOOOOOO not prepared. There were these readings that I hadn't even looked at yet, and it would have been bad. Luckily (or perhaps it was a bit more than luck), my most kind, generous, benevolent professor decided to postpone it to next week, which gives me time to do those readings. *phew*
After BoM I grabbed a calzone from Freschetta in the cougareat (it was garlic chicken; it was actually pretty good). I ate it as I walked back to my apartment, and then started working on my music paper. Of course, when I say I started working on it what I mean is I found out that hulu finally made an app for the iPhone, and then my roommate told me that all the office episodes are online, so I had to check that out, of course. In the end, I didn't get too much done, but it's getting done today, I promise. And of course, I have to explain my video: it was overcast yesterday. Yes, there were actually clouds. AND it drizzled. For a few minutes. I thought that was amazing (because, you know, it is the desert and all)

After that... well, see the beginning.
That was my Yesterday. Now, to follow up on a promise I made on monday-I'm going to post the pictures from the scavenger hunt. Just as a bit of an explanation, a picture scavenger hunt has two components: identification and replication. Each participating group will go through and identify 10 objects and take a picture of them. Then, they will hand off the camera to another group, who now have to find those same things in order and take a picture of them. In our case we played using the ground floor of the wilk. My group won (i.e. we were the first group back after having taken the second round of pictures). The pictures on the left are the first ones,and then on the right are the ones that we took. Not to brag, or anything, but I think we did a pretty good job.

-The other picture to this is missing; this is the one my group took. I don't know if I'll be able to fine the other one.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea for a scavenger hunt! I'll have to remember that one.
    So glad you get extra days to study. Please get lots of sleep; it's a mom's job to worry about you!
