Friday, June 25, 2010

Lazy Friday

So today was pretty uneventful (compared to my others days). I woke up this morning at 8:20 to this really annoying and consistent banging sound coming from the water pipes, but I didn't have time to investigate because I had to go to class. I met up with Katie and Kayla (from my FHE group and also in my bio class) and we headed over. The class, once again, was boring. He tried to demonstrate 'inert energy' by bringing kids up to the front and having them act as water molecules at varying energy levels--something to do with hydrogen bonds and all that good stuff. Katie fell asleep at some point in the lecture, and I would have joined her were I not attempting to write the essay that's due Monday. After bio I came back to the room and made myself an omelet (which actually turned out pretty good), then chilled until 12:30, when Tutu arrived bearing gifts of clothing my mom had ordered before I left and had shipped out here. With her was my cousin-I-had-not-seen-in-a-long-time Kea. She's out here for EFY next week, and it was kind of strange because the last time I saw her in person (I think) was at her baptism. Tutu took us out to lunch, at this place called Chuck A Rama--essentially just a big buffet. It was pretty good.

Here is a picture of Kea and me (I'm the haole), sitting at a booth inside Chuck A Rama

This is a plant unique to Utah (as far as I'm concerned), called a smokewood.
After that I came back to the apartment, watched some hulu, had a nap, and did random stuff. I tried updating my iPhone again, but as always, my computer crashed. It then crashed four times more as I tried to turn it on, because, you know, it really loves me. In lieu of spending too much time on the computer I picked up Pride and Prejudice and Zombies again; I only got part way through it but it's still a good read. That's pretty much my day. I'm meeting with some old family friends, the Vaughns, tomorrow, who are up for the weekend from Arizona. I'm wicked excited to see them again. I'm also kind of tired, so I'm going to go to bed. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. ah, so you've been introduced to the wonders of Chuck-o-Rama... One of my extended family members just loves this place and thinks it's the greatest -- she'll take the family there any time to eat out at the restaurant ("There's something for everyone!").
