Saturday, June 26, 2010

A little lost

Perhaps I was a little overeager in titling yesterday's post as "Lasy *insert day*" because today was a very lazy day for me. I woke up at around 10:30 this morning, showered, and made myself an omelet. After that, I waited for a call from the Vaughns (old family friends) who were planning to be in the area (by which I mean BYU campus) sometime in the afternoon. While I waited for them I worked a little bit on this assignment for bio (though I still need to do a lot more for it). I also went over to the bookstore to see if they had a windows 7 pack I could buy (the version I had before wasn't ever activated; it ends up that was the cause for all the problems I've been having with this computer). I got it bought (after some considerable help from my dad) and started, and then the Vaughns showed up. I met up with them and we grabbed some ice cream at the creamery. The reason I put this video up will be readily apparent to anybody who knows Marty; otherwise, it's still funny if you happen to know Lost. the weirdest thing is how different Marty looks. The last time I had seen him was when he was still in Boston, and he was a lot shorter/younger looking (thinking about him I am somewhat reminded of the present day Matt Zielonko). Here are some pics:

Wow, sorry about the blurriness; totally didn't realize until just now

From left to right: Marty, Brooke (a cousin of the Vaughns), Me, and Katie (Marty/Katie's dad took the picture)
After meeting up with them I came back and finished the windows 7 installation and activation. So far it's working great; got all the programs I need reinstalled, and I'm working on updating my iPhone (so far it's working great; it's gotten way past what it's done before)

.......okay, now fast forward an hour. long story short, I need an antivirus program to connect to the network, and the virtual network pass needs renewing every week; apparently right as I'm trying to update a blog post. What this is means is that since I just installed a new OS I've been needing to get an antivirus program, so I couldn't just renew the connection. I had to get another copy of mcafee (Dad you'll get an email, I think) and install it; but, and here's the kicker: right after I install it and get the network up again my computer CRASHES. THEN AGAIN. THEN A THIRD TIME. Needless to say, I'm kinda FRUSTRATED, especially since I have church at 10:30 tomorrow. I'll finish news about today tomorrow. I need to get to sleep. oh, and my iphone still isn't updaing. BIG surprise. I hate iTunes.

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