Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Freshman 15?

One of my goals in life is definitely not to be trapped in a tiny room and do nothing except eat food.... wait, isn't that the definition of college? Apparently my near family seems to think so. My Aunt and Uncle donated a large array of foodstuffs for yours truly, and it is quite impressive.

Now, I know what you're thinking, and yes you are correct: the contents of that box are not all food. (At least, I'm not at the stage where paper towels look appetizing to me). Though, you will be able to see the cupcakes, the cinnamon rolls the bagels, some more rolls, and an orange (and hidden are two separate plates of cookies). There's also a giant bag of candy. :) yum

So the question is, does my family overestimate my metabolism, or is the reason they were so excited for me to come out to BYU because the after effects of the recession are still hitting them hard, and they need some diverse sources of protein? *quickly looks over shoulder* Well, the cost is clear for now, but I'll be on my guard. I have to make sure I stay as skinny as possible by doing lots of ..excercise, and ...running-------maybe I'll just take my chances and eat food and write blog posts. Oh, and there are these 'class' things I keep hearing about.
Anyway. Today has been pretty good; I slept in later than I did yesterday, ate breakfast with my new dishes and cereal :) and had a leisurely morning until 11, when I went to the devotional, which was awesome. I think this is a testament of how great a fit this college is for me: there was a musical number at the devotional, and it was If I Could Hie To Kolob, my absolute favorite hymn. It brought the spirit it so well. I actually recorded most of it on my phone, but haven't been able to figure out how to get it from my phone to my computer (iTunes, as always, is no help whatsoever). After the devotional I was able to pick up a surge strip from the bookstore, which is really nice considering the location of the outlet in my room: it's right behind the desk, and I have to lean way over to reach it. With the surge strip I don't have to awkwardly reach it any more, and it becomes a lot less annoying to take my laptop to classes. Also, I can charge my phone at night while keeping my laptop plugged in.
My next class was at 2:00; I had BoM 121 with this pretty cool guy Bro. Daniel Belnap. He talked about the syllabus, like the teachers of my other classes, but then he actually dove right into the material. We got through 1 Ne. 1:1, analyzing it in full, and then we were out of time. As I walked back from the JSB I saw this view and had to take a picture of it:

Well, that's pretty much Utah in a nutshell (notice the conspicuous Y on the mountain).
In other news, the 4.0 OS is out for the iPhone, but because iTunes HATES my computer, every time I've tried to install it so far it's either crashed my computer, or just stopped working.
In other other news, (I apologize for putting things out of order), one of my roommates (Trent) came up to me this morning with this cool piece that's a duet and is essentially a variation on chopsticks. He knew the harder part, so we got together and and played it; it was really fun.
One last note before I post this; another one of my roommates is talking rather loudly on the phone, and he just said and great Utah form, "Oh my word!"
Okay, so I can't think of anything else.... so, yeah. Bye!


  1. Glad to hear that the Utah family is spoiling you so well! Make sure you thank Brons and Cherie' for the goods!
    So glad you liked devotional. Do you feel like you're at a huge EFY?

  2. Lachlan insisted on watching that video clip 4 times. I think it was because I confused him by telling him that was you.

  3. I had an entire conversation with a woman at the pool yesterday about the hazards of college eating. She told me I was going to have a heart attack by 25... totally despite my protests that I'm not even in college yet....... maybe I'll ask her opinion on cannibalism the next time I see her :)
