Monday, June 21, 2010

midnight hour update

An update before go to bed, because I know I will forget some things and it's easier to not have to write them in with tomorrow's post. We had an ice cream social within our ward (which is everyone from Broadbent [guys] and Bowen [girls]). After that, we were told what our FHE groups are and we gathered in them and did fun little games (I realize now that the point of EFY is to teach us group games and ice breaker games). We continued socializing as so, and then terminated our socialization to engage in various activities. I went back to the apartment and then found out that there is a piano in the basement. Upright, ivory keys, but a little plunky; even so, the room it's kept in has great acoustics. Yay foresight for having brought my piano books! Practiced, and played around a little, for a good long while, I kind of lost track of time (that's what happens when I don't have a watch, I don't keep track of the time). aaaand speaking of which, It's 1:30 my time, so I need to get myself to bed. Until tomorrow! (or later today?)

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