Monday, June 21, 2010

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

So my question is, how do you begin a journey of 2,358 miles? Apparently, you go to providence. My journey of epic proportions began yesterday as I left my house for good, and drove to the Providence RI airport. I'll give you the quick rundown: waited for two hours, then boarded a plane to Chicago midway (dur. 1 hr 20 min).

There, I waited an hour and a half, then boarded another plane headed towards Salt Lake Cit (dur 3 hr 40 min). Arrived there local time 21:20, which is home time 23:20, got out and met my grandparents; by the time I got my bags and got into the car it was already Monday for me, but still technically Sunday in Utah. Anyway, got to the campus, got my room key and all that good stuff (thanks to the lady who was there at 11:00 at night). Got in my room and absolutely crashed.
Of course, the nice thing about being 2 hours ahead of everyone else is that 6:30 feels like 8:30 to me, so I was able to wake up thereabouts and get all my stuff packed away and steady. My first class today started at 9:00--like any good freshman I start with Biology. Dr. Todd Robinson is my teacher. His class rules are actually really fun: If anyone's phone rings, the offender in question must hand their phone back to the person behind .them for them to answer. He hates people reading newspapers, but he's completely fine with people playing games on their computers...during class. His words, not mine. Also, one of my favorite things about him is this direct quote: "hopefully, by the time we're done with this, you'll realize that Evolution is a tool that God used to design the world." Also, he owns a farm. Of alpacas. He probably talked about alpacas for a good 20 minutes straight. Actually one of my favorite people in the world right now. Another highlight of the class: out of the ~120 people here, two guys are returned missionaries: one went to the Netherlands and el otro a Veracruz Mexico.
I love this being the summer term: there is virtually no one else on campus, for this usually being a 34,000 person school. It's really easy to get acclimated to my three classes. I even headed out this morning to get my books and an ethernet cable from the BYU bookstore, and grabbed an ID card on my way out of the Wilk. As I walked outside, I was struck by the ultimate Utah view clear skies and ground, and MOUNTAINS:

My day continued, of course, (I want to make sure anyone reading this will know as much as possible): I met with this guy my grandmother knew from when she worked here, who also went on a mission with my mother, he was pretty cool and set me up with some information. I then met with this guy, Nate Evans, who is the son of the Boston Mission mission president and his wife. We got ice cream and chatted; he is pretty chill. After that I had just enough time to set up my wired connection in my room (with the help of OIT--I was having problems with the java applet it was trying to get me to download). I say just enough time because right after I got that set up my grandparents (my mom's parents) picked me up and brought me to lunch at this place called Pizza Pie Cafe, which has a pasta bar, a salad bar, and a whole ton of pizzas, including something I'd never seen before: desert pizzas. After lunch they took me shopping for all sorts of necessities; dishes, food, etc. Got back with about a half hour to bring it all in before heading off to my next and last class of the day: Music 202! I append an exclamation mark because the guy teaching the class is BRITISH! Imagine Mr. Cook (who, to be fair, I never had) and have him teach but with an emphasis on music, and you'll get this guy. I sat myself down next to a 25 year old senior and then Mr. British guy spent the next 50 minutes reviewing the syllabus, then let us go. I love college. Annnnnnyway, I came back here and have been writing this up, dealing with my laptop's failures (which I attribute to iTunes) and have finally finished. We have an FHE activity in an hour, it's an ice cream social, and I'm excited. Anyway, I will be able to post all about that tomorrow (as I promised I would). Until then!

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