Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I did not procrastinate as much as yesterday; in fact I finished both my bio assignment and my Music paper. The 'best of youtube' podcast did keep me busy, but it was for a good cause (this blog, of course!). There's some really cool stuff, so keep your eyes out.
Today: I posted my blog. That was done soon after bio; I started it during class (taking dutiful notes, of course) and finished up right after. Anson and I grabbed lunch at the cougareat, and then I had to go upstairs to meet with my freshman mentor.
OK, quick rundown. Freshman Mentoring is a new program started this year for freshman. Freshman sign up for a 'bundle' during each semester, where they will be with all other freshman. Also, they are assigned a 'freshman mentor' to act as a kind of guide; someone who they can ask about things they don't know about. Someone to help widdle freshmen stay in the loop and on top of things. My mentor's name is Brent, and he seems pretty chill.
We had to cut that kind of short, though, so I could go to my bio review. There's a test from today to Friday for all the material we have covered so far, and so of course we had a review. After it was over, I still had a good hour and a half before I had my music class, so I decided I might as well go take the test while I had all that information fresh in my mind. The testing center is pretty intimidating, and I got in on a good day i.e. there were only 20 other people in there. No line, and the people at the desk were really helpful (and even let me borrow a pencil because I forgot one). The test was ridiculously easy-I am not overstating when I say that he gave us 5 of the answers to problems on the test during class. A quote from him: "Yeah, this one is number 2 on the test, so remember that." The other 45 questions were easy, and I finished in under 25 minutes. Then, they have this really cool thing where you can see your score right after you finish: you just head towards the exit and there's a TV with the end of your ID number and the score you got. For anyone who didn't see my Facebook post, I got a 100. Unscaled or anything. Boo. Yah. I was feeling pretty good, needless to say.

I got myself a Jamba Juice on my way back to the apartment; Pomegranate Pick-me-up. I got all my stuff together and headed to music early. There were two beds that were opening up today in Heritage, so I wanted to be sure and get it. Though I started off well, I clicked on the wrong option by accident and it cost me the time I needed to reserve the room.
To make up for it (I guess??) I spent the next hour and a half learning about Mozart; we even watched scenes from Amadeus and a production of The Marriage of Figaro, which was pretty cool. However, after an hour and a half of classical music, and then moving on to Haydn, I got pretty tired--I almost dozed off a few times. That class finally ended, though, and I got home and finished the paper. I won't make any comments as to the quality, but for anyone who knows my aptitude in writing, I don't need to.
Side note; on my way back from the testing center I saw this view:

Looked like a storm coming on! I was really excited, because, again, it's the desert.
During music it actually did rain; it lasted for a good 20 minutes, I think. So much rain!.....

This is the result of me trying to covertly get a picture of the rain on the window while hiding my phone behind my laptop screen. Ignore the student in the foreground; turn your focus instead to the ridiculously overclouded view through the windows. Unfortunately, you can't really see the rain on the window. You'll have to take my word that it was there.
Anyways, after I finished my paper I had myself a nice little nap. Woke up ~9:40, spent some time looking at Best of Youtube stuff, and had some dinner. That's pretty much my day. There's another one coming tomorrow, I can feel it!
Also, bios coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous job on the test! You are so smart! Bummer about missing the rooms in Heritage! Hopefully it will happen again!
