Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Insert creative title here

I don't know that this is necessarily indicative of my state of mind, merely that it is now 11:30 by the time I am writing this and as I promised myself I would post daily I need to get it done by 12:00.
Aaaaaaaanyway, here I go. Today was my second class of biology, and boy was it a doozy, I am completely kidding. Today we 'learned' about experimental design (which has been pounded into my head since 6th grade), and in the second hour continued into 'chemistry', by which I mean we reviewed what atoms are. Whoop-de-do. The only entertaining part was when the professor, bless his heart, was explaining atomic structure, and one student asked him a question that threw us hard into particle physics, and he had absolutely no idea what to say. Of course, there were enough of us who were well versed in nuclear decay, but by that point everyone had kind of lost interest anyway. After bio I came back to the room and again tried to update my iPhone to iOS 4.0, but again to no avail. It was such a failure, in fact, that after trying to back up for a half hour and having my computer abruptly turn OFF for no apparent reason, I found that upon restarting my computer no longer had iTunes installed. ... I have now come to the conclusion, using the experimental techniques I learned at bio today, that iTunes hates my computer. After it failed drastically, it was time to grab some lunch, so I decided to try out this whole 'meal plan lets me buy food using my ID card anywhere I want' deal at the cougareat. Anson came with me (one of my roommates--I'm planning on doing bios on my roommates at some point--with their permission, of course) and we got some good food. I had a hawaiian pizza, he had a cheeseburger. Pretty good deal altogether; with 8" pizza and drink it only cost me $6.something. After that we ambled over to the library with the intent to explore it; we did wander around, but we quickly lost interest in the library in favor of this miniature of the campus, and decided to come back home before getting any more lost. Just as a side note, the library has five, that's right, FIVE, floors. Two below ground, and three above. A little intense, I think. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures, for which I am sorry. I'll get it some other day.
After that excursion, I was feeling tired so went to take a nap with a good hour and a half left before my music class. I ended up waking up because my roommate Foster (again, bios coming later) had a friend over to help set up something on his computer for their chem class. It's not every day that you wake up to hear someone say: "wait, you should install java, too, you're going to need that. Oh, and update adobe while you're at it." Could swear I was still dreaming for that brief period when I was coming out of unconsciousness. Not so.
Made it to music 202 early; not because I'm an eager freshman (though that is certainly a factor), but because newly opened rooms are released every monday and wednesday at 4:00 pm, and my fall/winter housing is wayyyy off campus. I saw this morning that there was going to be 1 bed released in heritage for guys, so I was so ready to snatch it up. I got to class, got my internet going, then just kept hitting refresh over and over. Then, the crucial moment; at 4:00 it released the bed, I clicked on it, said that there were no rooms left. So that was a disappointment. Things picked up though, once class actually started. We spent an hour on Bach and Handel, and listened to some of their more famous works: Brandenberg concertos, some cantantas, and of course the Messiah. One notable thing that happened during this part was the interesting tidbit Prof. Aussie shared about his 5 year old daughter: in his house Disney is not allowed, but he claims that his daughters are Austen freaks. To prove the point, he told us about this time when his 5 year old daughter had made a mistake, and he was trying to comfort her, to tell her that everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect. Her response to that: (quoted from him) "nobody is perfect except for Jesus and Mr. Darcy." We then shifted focus from aural works to visual works in the same time period; the Rococo movement. Some highlights from the ensuing 70 minutes: "Boucher's paintings are essentially just mounds of pink flesh" (paraphrased). Another good one was the time we spent discussing Fragonard; or rather, that our professor spent discussing Fragonard. His reference to the Menage-a-trois that was implicit within a painting was quite interesting. Also, I have to make a correction: my professor is NOT british. He is something even better: he's an AUSSIE! I have to admit, never in my wildest imaginations (though, as some of you will be quick to point out, my imagination is not that good) would I have thought that I would be shown paintings of nudes on my third day of BYU. Well, I guess you learn something new everyday (though it certainly wasn't experimental design).
After that class ended I came back to the apartment, looking forward to the dinner we had planned for our FHE group. First was interviews/callings from the bishopbric, which started at 7:20 (and made me worried because we were supposed to be starting our dinner at 7:30). It worked out, though, because the girls were already down there and being interviewed, so we didn't lose much time or favor, because we were done interviewing shortly after they were (I can't yet tell you what my calling is, but it's pretty great. Later in the week, I promise!). The girls in our group are Courtney, Katie, Dezzy, Melissa, Kayla, and Amy. We made french toast and chocolate chip pancakes. It was amazingly good.

This is the best picture I have; Trent (again, another of my roommates) took it.
We had set up the table and everything before we interviewed, and we actually got the food prepared pretty quickly. I ate either 5 or 6 pieces of french toast, and then had a plate sized chocolate chip pancake (see video below). As we were wrapping up, Trent pointed out that the sun was setting and that it might be cool to go watch it. We walked off towards it slash towards the bell tower, but surprisingly there were trees in our way. So instead we just made ourselves comfortable on this water feature/man-made waterfall and chatted amongst ourselves. People started going back in small groups in gentle increments, until the only two left were Katie and me (if anyone out there is a grammar freak, can you please advise as to whether this is correct as a direct object, or rather it should be the subject?). Luckily, no ill fate befell either of us and we both made it back to our apartments alive (contrary to Amy's fears). Then that leaves me at 11:30 and trying to write and publish a blog entry before Thursday. Oh well. 12:30 is close enough. Until tomorrow! (by which I mean later today!)


  1. I was wondering if you'd tried the cafeteria yet? It all sounds so wonderful and great! I'm sure your Bio teacher has no idea how smart you are. Do you think everyone in the class was bored? The music class sounds so great! I love humanities classes.
    Can't wait to hear about your calling. And can't wait for bios on your roommates. Do you have 3 roommates or 5?

  2. there's 6 of us in the hall, but divided amongst three rooms

  3. haha.. I didn't want Katie to turn up dead or anything!!!
