Thursday, June 24, 2010


I promise that the relevance of this little clip will become apparent, as soon as I get through the main part of my day.
Today I had an appointment with Kerry Hammock, who works in the academic advisement center and who works with people with their majors. I went to him to get advice on various majors, in the hope of actually declaring a major, which was made extremely easy by the fact that there is only one program that is close to what I want to do, so I chose that one: Computer Science. I officially declared my major, and figured things out at the phys/math advisement center with regard to which classes I should take for the program. Another noteworthy tidbit was that, it being Thursday, all the EFY kids were really easy to identify because they were dressed up (which I felt sorry for them for because it got pretty hot this afternoon). After that I came back to the apartment and kind of chilled until 12:30 when Foster and I went over to Erin's apartment for lunch (we had set this up tentatively, Erin and I--we were at EFY together last year and so we figured that we should hang out. That ended up turning into lunch, with whatever roommates were available). I brought my ukulele, because Erin is more skilled than I am--see this link for proof (Erin is the 2nd from the right). We had pizza, and it was really neat. Then it was time to be off to BoM--all the way across campus :( The class was cool, though. Our professor is really into going really deep into the scriptures; it was funny listening to him describe how he thought Nephi would have geeked over Laban's sword and played with it like my brothers would a lightsaber. After I came back from that I watched some hulu and did some reading for bio tomorrow.
Then, at around 7, the girls from our FHE group invited us to go hike the Y with them, which it ended up only Tim and I went with them. It was a ton of fun, though it was pretty steep and the air got rather thin near the top. Even so, we made it up and back without accident: here are some pics: (the whole collection is here)

Here is the Y from a side view, about .06 miles from the top
I did the best I could with this picture, what with the sun behind everyone

This is the coolest thing; on the way back down we saw this snake by the side of the road. I could see it wasn't a rattler, but I wasn't sure it wasn't poisonous, so I didn't pick it up.
And that's my day. Tune in next time for more adventures of, well, me! (Do people actually read these things?)

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Your family reads them. Every morning, each person in the family asks if Jansen has written and then they read your latest adventures. It gives Logan something to be newly jealous about each day.
    I really cannot believe how much you fit it a day! I never hiked the Y, and you've done it within your first 4 days there!
    Your desire to pick up a snake reminds me of your religion teacher's thoughts on Nephi playing around with the sword. I guess you can't take the "boy" out of the man.
