Thursday, July 29, 2010


Insert personal commentary about blogging in general, and the general awesomeness of the above video.
Stop personal commentary and talk about what I did.
Wednesday: I slept in. The last day of lectures for bio was on Monday, so I slept in. Slept until about 10:30-ish. Got past the water temple, and got the hover boots from the shadow temple. Also, during that time, Rachel stopped by and hung out with me (oh, and Trent was there too). 'Twas oodles of fun. I also practiced my choir songs, and generally just killed time until my music class. We learned about american people--Charles Ives and Aaron Copland, as well as others. Class got out typically late ~6:20, so I just came back and chilled some more.. (I know, wicked productive. Hey, it's a balance thing. Tuesday was good. Wednesday was just...meh). Around 10-ish Chris came by and we went to go meet more people. We met Bethany, Emilee, and Lauren (Kristy wasn't there and we already knew Daneka). They're pretty fun--it's a great icebreaker to start reading people's quote walls (though sometimes it goes just a little bit too far). Then I played some Halo with Chris, but not for too long (I did have to go swimming in the morning)
Thursday: I got up and went swimming. I had bought goggles the day before, so I was ready for it all. I actually did a lot better than Tuesday, but ended up getting a really bad pain in my neck from the breast stroke (having my head point forward that whole time). That was followed by NOT OoT, surprisingly enough. I decided to finally start reading my new Rick Riordan book--The Red Pyramid. Being somewhat of a mythology geek, I really like Riordan's stuff. BoM at 2-4, followed by more reading and a nap. Then, at 7:00, I had a Boston Stake reunion! Mike and Jacquie are both out here for the summer as well, and we haven't spent any time together as true Bostoners. So we finally got together and talked, caught up, got some ice cream--it was great. Jacquie is in Heritage-she's staying in Fox right now. Mike is way out in Wyview, so he had to wait until 8:45 for his bus to come, but it was alright. Jacquie had to leave at 8:00 because her home-teachers decided to finally get around to home teaching--even though she had never met them before. After Mike left, I went to this hall meeting about how to check out of our rooms after Summer term was over. Essentially, it boils down to "ask the HA." Then, Chris and I went to introduce ourselves to more people. We started in the basement, with 10-we met Serena and Corrie, and it turns out that Corrie is taking harp lessons, and she totally got is unto a practice room AND I PLAYED A HARP! I was so happy. I love the harp, and it's always been a dream of mine to learn to play it, and it's actually pretty simple! The strings are set up in a diatonic scale, but then there are pedals you can move to change the key and everything. It's really neat. Also, did I mention that I PLAYED A HARP?!? I did. After getting back from the HFAC, we went up to 17 (Autumn's apartment) and met (almost) everyone from her apartment. Besides Autumn and Amanda (who I already knew), we met Lisa, Emilee, and Hallie. Again, the quote wall is a great ice-breaker. In totally related (random) news, Chris showed me how to change my phone so that the date displays in Hawaiian. Swieckt! (I just made that up. Sick+Sweet). Anyway, That brings me tooooo
Bio #2
Chance Austin Bozeman

Chance is my awesome home teaching companion. He hails from Gilbert, Arizona, where there are four different stakes that go to his school (there are roughly four stakes that have membership within the entire state of Massachusetts). He likes to play basketball, run/workout, go to the movies, flirt with girls. He likes music (unfortunately, his favorite is country, and he hates heavy metal)--but he likes it as long as he can dance to it. His pet peeve is dirtiness *cough*neat freak*cough*, and if he had 10 days left to live he would go to Europe (specifically Italy) and sight see.
He wants seven kids. His ideal temperature is 72 degrees. He enjoyed his childhood, and wouldn't trade it for anyone else's. He loves his parents. He can't wait to meet his wife.
He is currently taking Book of Mormon, Writing and Rhetoric, and Ballroom Dance. He enjoys his ballroom class, even though it is early in the morning and he claims not to be that good.

1 comment:

  1. So cool about the harp. That is awesome.
    Interesting thing about Chance--Austin is in Texas and Bozeman is in Montana. He's like a walking Atlas in name alone.
    Considering that Gilbert, AZ has such a dense Mormon population, I'm going to assume that the fact that 4 stakes are in his high school means that he attends a charter school of his choosing, and that the Mormons have kind of self-selected it as the school they all choose to attend. Ask him what percentage of his classmates are Mormon.
