Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Productivity FTW!

Hi. It's me. Today I went swimming, and have been tired all day. Even so, it was a good day. I went swimming, then came home and made some German pancakes while playing around on scratch (I've made a snake game). I'm glad that I went swimming, but I need to be going a lot more. Good thing that's what I'll be doing, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. At around 1, Trent suggested doing a date-hike, and I readily agreed. We decided to go up to bridal veil falls, but I had to go to Book of Mormon before I was able to ask anyone. After class, I came back and asked Autumn (who is in our ward, and who is coincidentally the ward choir director) to go, and she said yes. Trent and I prepared a nice picnic-y lunch and we went and picked up our dates at 5:30. It was pretty fun: it was amazing hiking in the canyon, while at the same time there was a river to our side. I didn't feel like I was in the desert, except for the sheer rock cliffs above us (which were pretty cool). We kind of just walked, and then found this nice big rock to eat on. On our way back, there was a small water fight, but I am happy to report that there are no casualties. It was really neat; Autumn and I were able to carry on a really nice conversation the whole time (i.e. there were no wicked awkward pauses). Afterwards I was bored, so I went out and met people. With Chris (who isn't in my apartment but is in our building) I went up to random people's doors and chatted for a while. I met: Casey, Lauren, Hannah, Sutton, Ryan, Jessica, Jen, Allison, Marin (it's her birthday today), Jessie, Parker, Carter, Tanner, and Ben. It was really neat, though I wish I had done so sooner, what with only 2 weeks left of the term.
That's pretty much it. I don't feel like doing a bio. I'll see about doing one tomorrow morning.
Good night!


  1. Aren't you the social guy! I have so many memories of my own at bridal veil falls. So wild to think that you're retracing some of my own steps.
    Glad you're having so much fun.
    Good job on the swimming. I went swimming this a.m. too!

  2. Sounds like fun! Is there any way you can send me that snake game?
