Sunday, July 18, 2010

Yep. Iiiit's the weekend. Or, it was.

Hi. I'm tired, so I'll claim to make this short, but I doubt that will actually happen.
Saturday: I woke up at around 9:30, 10:00, but was wicked tired. Essentially lazed around until 3--literally. I stayed in my bed, or went out on to the couch, trying to go back to sleep. That's how tired I was. Finally, I got up the energy to do my überpost, but when I finished with that it was sometime around 5. Feeling productive, I dropped my books (the ones I borrowed to do my essay) off at the library, but after walking through the hot hot sun (uphill both ways and through the snow. Don't question it.) I got lazy again, and just chilled around the apartment. Around 8, a bunch of people from my FHE group decided to go see inception, but I didn't go. Turned out to be a good decision: After about another hour of laziness I finally started preparing my talk (after a brief trip to the creamery). I think it turned out pretty well. It was on gaining and building a testimony, and in my usual style I put together notes and prepared a spiel. I have to say, it was really great being alone in the apartment. I could sing, act like I was 5 (who says I'm not?) and do generally random stuff and not have people question me. It was pretty nice.
Sunday: Ward choir practice was at 9:20 (preparing to perform that day in sacrament meeting), so, as a good little pianist, I decided to get there early: got up at 8:30, got ready and ate breakfast. Strangest thing: as I was eating breakfast, this complete stranger walks in and asks if I had seen this cup he left on the stove. If any of my roommates are reading this, please explain to me WTFudge this was. I was very confused. Anyway, got to church, practiced, had church: three of the four speakers in sacrament meeting were from my FHE group (me included), which was pretty neat. I was the closing speaker, which meant I didn't have to worry about going over (though to be fair, it's a student ward. Not enough people go over). Choir performed after the 2nd (Courtney) and before the 3rd (Anson) speaker, and I kind of flubbed it. Not too bad, but I was kind of nervous and messed up on a few parts. My talk went tons better: I started off with a good 'Aloha' which was returned relatively enthusiastically, introduced myself (my full name, of course), and then proceeded. I probably took 8-10 minutes, which isn't too shabby. Afterward, the bishop (following the theme of testimony) called some people up to bear their testimonies, Bishop McQuivey style (though it was funny; talking to people afterward that had never happened in their wards). Rest of church passed reasonably well; I found out that there is a senior (RM) in our ward. Go figure. After church we had a potluck, which only went off well because certain apartments were actually given lasagnas to prepare; ours being one of them. Time passed, and then I found myself here, writing this. There; that wasn't too long, was it? (Hoping to start roommate bios either tuesday or wednesday)

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking that the complete stranger came in on a dare.
