Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lagoon--The Experience

This may be crazy, but it relates back to one of the rides that I'll discuss; this post is just going to be about Lagoon.

The entrance. Lots of cool flag-like things
From right to left: Me, Kea, Taylor
The only wooden rollercoaster in the park; it's pretty good, nothing fancy, but it works
This is a pretty cool ride; it's like a ferris wheel but each individual cage can rock back and forth, and then lock in place
This ride is called Wild Mouse (or something). Its attraction is really abrupt jerks and changes in direction
This is the Bat, the only suspended roller coaster in the park. It's kind of lame, especially compared to Batman
This is called Jet star, or something. Another fun coaster.
I don't really know what this ride is called, but it's pretty cool; those water jets shoot up and the rows of people pass through them
There are some rides that aren't pictured so I'll briefly describe them:
Colossus: Best ride in the park. Pale Red and Yellow color scheme, and it turns to put one end really close to the ground. It has two loops.
Wicked: An alright coaster that shoots straight up and then goes straight down; past that, though, there isn't really anything notable about it. It's too short.
Spider: a cool coaster on a small cart that rotates so that the people in front and back get to face both ways.
Water Park: Lagoon is widely known for its water park, and when I've come before with my family we spend most of our time there. It's got a lazy river and some nice water slides, the coolest of which are essentially straight drops into the pool (I'm over-exaggerating, of course, but they're pretty steep). The cool thing is the with one of the slides, if you position yourself just right, you can actually skim out across the landing pool.
The water park was smaller than I remembered, and we ended up only spending 2 1/2-3 hours there.
The funniest thing about the park is the height of the water fountains
Another example of an extremely short water fountain.
This is called the rocket; it's your standard fast-acceleration drop (except one of them does a drop, the other does an equally accelerated ascent--that's the one we went on)
This is the scariest ride I have ever been on. Mere words can not described the fright it induced within me. Called the Samurai, it has 6 arms which rotate around a rotating arm. Oh, also, each arm rotates around its lengthwise axis. I made the mistake of sitting on the end, which for any physics students out there will know that v=r* omega, and so I was going the fastest anyone could go on that ride. I was literally in hysterics as the ride finished, alternating between quietly shaking and then laughing maniacally. It gave us all a headache.

This is this nice ski-lift kind of a thing that goes from one end of the park to the other. It was pretty restful, as you can see.
Not pictured, also, was the Catapult ride. Essentially, you get in this big steel framed ball, and they launch you reallyreallyreally high in the air. Kea and I rode it, and it was not really that scary. After the initial feeling, and surprise when it launched, it was actually really fun. Now, they have a camera in the thing, so that you can buy a video of yourself. I was totally going to buy it and put in on as the video, but once we were done and went to buy it, guess what clueless attendant had forgotten to push the record button. That's right, it didn't record. So now I just have pictures.
After that we went to Olive Garden; Kea and I really wanted pasta after such a long and exhausting day. It was soooo good. I've never had such a good meal at Olive Garden.

The cake that we had for desert. It was yummmmmmy. (Somehow I still had room for it after eating all of my fettuccine alfredo).
That was my day (yesterday, by this point). Okay. Bye now.

1 comment:

  1. I love your ride by ride commentary! Going to Six Flags before you went to Utah and realizing that you really liked fast rides and roller coasters must have been a great incentive to see all and experience all. Looks like you had an absolutely fabulous day! So glad you got to spend it with Kea and with Tutu and Grandad! That was really nice of them to take you to Lagoon!
