Friday, July 9, 2010


I'm late in posting this, though that is not the primary reason behind this video. It will be explained later, I promise.
My day started at around 9:00, with two very specific goals in mind. The first of those was the appointment I had at 11:00 to follow up from the day before about my AP scores. That was short, and I was soon able to return to my other goal, which had to do with the multiplicity of readings I had to do for my Book of Mormon class. He has these quizzes that he does, based on certain readings he makes available, and we are supposed to read them and understand certain concepts that we are then quizzed on. The quiz became available yesterday at 5, which means that those readings were taken down at 5, so I had to read the rest of them before class (which went from 2-4, and didn't leave me much time afterwards to do the readings. Hence doing all that homework before class). All this explanation just to say that I didn't do much yesterday (before class) except for homework and that meeting. Of course, I am obliged to mention (because I know you are reading this, mom) that at BYU, class level increases with every 30 credits you get. This means, that with the 71 credits that are coming from my AP scores, I will be a Junior. W00t. Though, the counselor was quick to point out that that doesn't mean too much; there are plenty of 4 year and 5 year seniors who have gotten started on their major late and, while technically seniors, won't graduate for a few years yet.
I finished my readings at one, and realized that I was rather sleepy. I had an hour before my class started, so I figured I could conceivably have a short, maybe half-hour nap before I needed to go to class. I laid down....and woke up to find it was 1:57; hence the above video. I absolutely bolted out of there; got my computer and everything ready in seconds and jumped on my bike. It was weird, afterwards, to look back on that because I was so full of adrenaline that I didn't even get as tired as I usually do when riding my bike across campus. By some miracle I got there, to the other side of campus, and into class by 2:03. However, in my haste I had forgotten my phone, which meant I didn't have my scriptures with me. It was alright, though, we didn't read as much as we analyzed. We actually had this really great lesson about Justice and mercy. It was quite interesting, dare I say, enlightening. I have to say, I like the class itself, it's just the work that's associated with it (6 page paper for next week, anybody?) that gets annoying.
After that, I came back to my room, and upon realizing that I didn't have to do any more work that day, I suggested to my roommate (Foster) that we go play racquetball. I hadn't played for some four years, and he hadn't really played either. Luckily, he knew the way to the RB (where all the gyms and athletic-type facilities are. Of course, it being the building of sports-y things, is possibly the farthest building on campus from my room, so simply walking there in the first place is exercise enough. However, it was pretty enjoyable. We rented racquets and stuff, and pretty much just hit the ball around; neither one of us were good enough to actually get a good volley going. We played for a good hour, then on the way back I stopped in at the library to print out music for ward choir; got back and played through some of it (and I'm really excited; provided I get enough practice in, it should turn out really well). Upon coming back upstairs, I realized that nothing was going on, so I went over to the girls' dorm, where it turned out that party was going on. We chilled there for a while, and then someone brought up the idea of going to walmart, and I decided to go because a) I haven't been yet and b) we needed some towels and a trash can for the bathroom. The trip was ...interesting. Blasting Usher out of the windows and the sun roof, we had a great time speeding through Provo at night. Then we got to the walmart, and had a great time; we kind of split up into two groups; Courtney had the cart so I followed her, and then Chance, Dezzy and Kayla wandered around getting random knick-knacks. The best part of the whole trip was hearing the story about how Dezzy dropped a glass bottle of pizza sauce that shattered in the aisle. Also, she loves it when you remind her about it, again and again and again.
We got back from walmart, and went back to the girls' apartment; someone had made chicken enchiladas while we were gone, and they were SOOOOOOO good. In case you couldn't tell, I quite liked them. We ended up just hanging out until 11, when we got kicked out of their room, but then they all came over to our lobby and we continued chilling until midnight, when they got kicked out. Then, I went to bed. But I can't tell you any more because that's the property of tonight's post. So, 'till then!

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