Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I come in peace

Begin Blog
Monday: I woke up and went to bio. The reason I did this was more than just because I had missed the last two classes; I was also going to meet with Elizabeth and Juliana Morrison who were going to start EFY this week; Elizabeth is thinking about starting BYU in the winter, and wanted to get an idea of what class was like. I got there early, grabbing breakfast on the way, and saved them seats. As class went on, I could tell they were engrossed, as was I (which is why I was playing desktop defender). Unfortunately for them, it's a wicked boring class. Fortunately for them, they had to leave to actually go sign up for EFY. I stayed for the post-class review, because of the whole not-having-gone-to-class thing. After class I went back home and split my work between my BoM midterm and my Bio paper (that was due that day at midnight. Or is it the next morning at midnight? Confusing) until 1:00. That was when Grandpa and Grandma came to drop off some stuff from home for me (Grandma just came back from visiting my home) and take me to lunch. The stuff included some red sox paraphernalia, some of which I am currently wearing (proudly). They took me to lunch at this great place called El Azteca, a low key mexican place with the most interesting guacamole I've ever tasted. Besides that, though, their stuff is pretty good (especially their chips; I LOVED their chips. They're home-made, or something--reminded me of acapulcos in that sense). Also, Dylan came to lunch. After they brought me back home, I continued working until going to Music. We learned about Wagner (who is the most written about person in western civilization besides Christ himself), Debussy, and modernist art. Class ended just in time for us to go bowling (yes, again. When it's only a dollar a game and 2 dollars for shoes, it becomes rather attractive to go). We played two games; my first game I bowled a 65, or something like that; I wasn't on top of my game. But, the next game, I got a strike and two spares, and got my score up to 116. Which is almost a 100% increase. I call that skillz (Also, it meant I beat Dezzy by 2 points, who is the most intense bowler out of all of us). After bowling I came back and managed to finish my bio paper by quarter to midnight. It's probably mostly BS, but I got it finished (who assigns an essay on one's role as a steward over the earth's resources, anyway?).
Tuesday: woke up at ~10:00 to finish my BoM midterm. Met my goal and finished it by 12:00, which gave me the next 6 hours to study for Music (except for 2:00 when I had to bring my midterm to BoM--my teacher is kind of old-fashioned when it comes to digitizing of school). I didn't stay for class, though; came back home to studystudystudy. I crammed my mind so full of information that I had to take a nap at around 4 (which lasted until 5:30). Got up and studied some more, then finally went to go take my test at ~7:40 (the testing center hands out tests until 8:00, and closes at 9:00). On monday our professor told us that out of everyone who had taken the test so far, the average score was around a 74. I had studied a ton, but it was still only for one day, so I was pretty nervous. However, over the course of the next hour I sped through most of the 119 questions (with only 4 or 5 really tripping me up). After finishing, I schooled myself into accepting a grade above an 80; end result--> 83 (which, funnily enough, was the same grade I got on the music ID test). I'm alright with that, though it means I got 20 questions wrong (but I'm pretty confident with the picture ID part of the test. I am surprised that he got the testing center to print that one Boucher painting).
Afterwards I came back, chilled at the girls' for a bit, then went over with a group to the library to 'study' (it's a group of people going to the "No shhh zone" of the library; there's not going to be much studying done). I went through all of the information for bio, and then decided to write up this post before going back to the apartment. Now I'm in the present moment, which is always awkward, so I'll stop here.

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