Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week in review

....Hi. It's me again. It's been a while, hasn't it? How have you been? Good, good. Well, I thought I would just check in, see how everything's going, you know? What's that? you want to know about my week? okay, here goes:
Monday: Bio in the morning followed by a test. I got a 94 (which bummed me out for a bit because while taking the test I thought that I knew everything. Don't judge. I don't look at things absolutely). Test was followed by some sort of shenanigans, including helping Katie study at the library, while gathering sources for my BoM essay due Thursday (which is the main reason I haven't been posting this week). I had Music (as always) at 4, and was very happy that I didn't have to worry about getting housing (because I have it! Yay!)
That day ended with a failed FHE event; we were planning on playing ultimate frisbee but the annoying EFY kids took all the good lawn spaces so we ended up just walking around Heritage halls and then coming back.
Tuesday: I had isolated a lot of sources and information for my essay, but I didn't have a coherent thesis linking it all together. Frustrated, I just waited until BoM, hoping the prof. would be able to give me a bit of insight. Before BoM I went to a review for Music (the midterm is from last wednesday to next tuesday: I'm taking it Tuesday.) and then straight to BoM. Needless to say, my professor was no help whatsoever with my thesis. I ended up being even more frustrated, and spent the rest of the evening napping, listening to music, and playing the piano until I suddenly had a stroke of insight for my essay. I threw together a good page and a half and called it a night.
Wednesday: I didn't go to bio in order to work on my essay, but ended up spending all my time before music studying; in addition to our ongoing midterm we also had a music identification test that day: essentially he would play us music and we had to identify the composer and the name of the piece. I spent most of my morning/early afternoon listening to the pieces we had to know. Then we took the test (throwing in a bit of future sight, I ended up with an 83%. Boooo. translates from a 25/30. Not good.) which was kind of difficult. I was also kind of mad that he never played Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 14 in C# (also known as Moonlight Sonata).
Wednesday/Thursday: After music I came home and tried working on my essay, to not much avail. I did write a poem (the second of the day). My focus completely denigrated once my roommates joined in a water fight with the rest of the building; I didn't really feel like participating in the coalescing of water and cake mix, and there was nowhere else to go, so I got on my bike and started riding. When I started I didn't really have a destination in mind, but I gradually decided to go up to the temple. Yay for iPhones and GPS, I found my way there.

Came home after that (didn't realize how close we are to the temple; too bad it's closed for most of the term) and started working (legit) on my essay--I didn't finish until 10:00. AM. Thursday morning. But it's over now! It's all good! yay! I then went to bed, slept for a good two hours, and got up in time for actual class (how bad would it be if I did my essay and then slept through class and couldn't hand it in. Luckily that didn't happen). Somehow I managed to make it through class without falling asleep. The greatest part of the day was when I got out of class to find that my bike tire was completely flat. Don't know why, all I knew was that I had to walk it all the way back. Which was oodles of fun. Went right back to sleep after that, then woke up in time to go with Trent and audition at this little theatre in Provo for a performance of Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap. It went alright, but I haven't gotten a callback or anything (which I wasn't really expecting; I was just glad to at least audition for something). Afterwards, I got everyone to go bowling, spontaneously. It was pretty fun, though I realized that I wasn't used to this real-type bowling (Candlepin, anyone?). I did pretty poorly (ended up with a 72, I think).
The bowling place at the wilk is pretty neat
This is my Tron shoe

Friday: Slept through Bio, woke up in time to get a call from Grandpa, responding to my bike situation. He ended up taking me to get the tube in the front tire replaced, as well as taking me to this awesome food place called Coney's Custard. It's your typical burger joint, with the addition of the most amazing custard I have ever tasted. After that I did random things back home; and then prepared my audition for Hairspray (at the SCERA theatre in Orem) which was 16 measures of Music of the Night, from Phantom of the Opera. I prepared well, but I flubbed the audition terribly. What I wasn't prepared for was the accompanist, and so I just didn't have my starting note the first two times we tried it. It was wicked embarrassing. But again, I wasn't really expecting to do well, I just wanted to audition (it struck me, as I was practicing, how long it had been since I had last really sung). Then it was over, but on our way back we stopped at Cafe Rio, where I had never been to before, and I found out was actually really really good. I got a chicken enchilada, and it was quite good.

We got back, and watched UP--Dezzy had never seen it before, which is a crime, so we watched it. Then I went to bed. Then I got up, and started writing this. DONE

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