Monday, July 5, 2010


Today I was at the Provo balloon-type event (I'm not sure whether it's a fest or a meet). I didn't get to go up in the balloon, but I was on chase and was able to help pack it up. After the meet was mainly over, I watched some of the parade. All of the pictures I took from that period (the ballooning and the parade) are here. There are a lot of marching bands in Utah, but I loved most of all the tank that was in the parade, as well as the multiple stake-sponsored floats and the mtc spot. Utah sure does the 4th (5th?) of July different. After the parade we went over to this small little picnic area, where there was a barbecue hosted by the balloon meet organizers, which was pretty good. Before that, though, people talked and socialized and I had a good chance to chat with my Uncle BJ. Fastforwarding to post-lunch, Grandpa brought me back to the apartment, with my new (new to me, not new-new) bike. I'm really excited to have it, especially for tomorrow where I have to go to BoM, which is the farthest of all my classes.
After getting in and settled I went straight to bed. Getting up at 6 after a restless night doesn't do much for restfulness, so I slept. And slept. When I awoke, I found to my surprised that our FHE girls were over, so I pretty much just spent the rest of the night hanging out here with (most of) our FHE group. We had pizzas made by Amy, Kayla, and Tim, which were pretty good-we still have an entire hawaiian pizza left over (also, the crust is really really good). Thaaaaaat's pretty much my day. I'm going to go to bed now. I'm tired after all this weekend. G'night!

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