Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why can't I think of a creative title?

Hi. It's me, Jansen. I am here to tell you about my day. Today I woke up at around 9:00, had a shower, started getting dressed, when I am texted that our apartment is in charge of sacrament, and that we needed to be there by 10:00 (church starts at 10:30). Getting this at 9:30, I had to quickly wake up Foster, and then try and call through to Anson (who's in the shower) to tell him he needed to hurry up. We ended up getting there with good time, but I could see how my parents feel every week, trying to get people to church.
Church was pretty good: we had four speakers and two musical numbers; the speakers were at various levels of preparedness. One speaker didn't even have anything to read, and related his talk to spiderman. Another speaker was quite well prepared, and gave a General Conference-style breakdown of the spirit into three categories. The musical numbers were both quite good, but the better one (bias? what?) was that one done by three of our FHE girls. They did this a Capella arrangement of I Need Thee Every Hour, which was really nice.
After sacrament meeting was priesthood, and then sunday school, which we had outside (due to some random scheduling conflict).
So, church got out at 1:30, and ward choir started at 2:30, which meant I had enough time to go back to my dorm, grab my music, then come back and practice until people started showing up. We worked on O My Father, and I actually got the accompaniment part down reallyreally well (I was wicked excited). I totally played it with them and everything. Luckily, we only need to do one piece every other week, so there's not too much of a rush. But I was really happy that it went so well; I was really nervous about it.
Anyway, that ended, and so I came back to the apartment, changed, and went over to hang out at the girls' (it was probably 4-ish). Katie dyed her hair, and is even more of a brunette than she was before (sorry I don't have pictures, but get over it). Courtney was in the process of making dinner for 5:30, and so the rest of us just kind of sat around and chilled (because, as she claimed over and over, she didn't need any help). It was probably my favorite meal I've had since I've been here (except maybe that one time at Olive Garden). It had pasta, rolls, and corn on the cob (of which there are soo many left). I was a very happy person, but I ate WAY too many rolls.
After dinner we decided we wanted to watch a movie, so Dezzy pulled out her binder, and after turning down such classics as Grease, Chicago, and high school musical 3, we finally decided to watch Sweet Home Alabama. I have mixed feelings about the movie; the setting in the South (where I could never live), but the story is alright. A little annoyed by how it turned out, but, meh. It was interrupted towards the end by ward prayer, and then after the movie Katie, Kayla and I went to get temple recommend interviews (which were going on in the basement). After that, I realized I was tired, but awake enough to write this, but now I'm more tired, so I think I'm going to go to bed.


  1. We want bios on your FHE girls too. Just go for a bio a day--instead of thinking that you have to do them all the same day.
    And what's all of this, "I could never live in the south" business. You did live in the south!
    Good job on your accompanying skills.

  2. good post titles are always hard to come up with, trust me. it's not just you :P
