Saturday, July 10, 2010


Sorry about not posting last night, but, too bad. Get over it.
I had bio, and nothing else. However, it was the most intense class I've had yet, for the sole reason we learned something that I didn't already know. We learned all about what happens to glucose in our cells, and how it turns into pyruvate, CoA, NADH, FADH2, and eventually to ATP. Thankfully, it was over after an hour, and I hung out at the girls' place for an unspecified (and unremembered; it was over a day ago) amount of time. I also went to the bookstore's sidewalk sale with Dezzy and Melissa; Melissa got these crazy tall heels, and I found that they were selling 8 GB flashdrives for 17 bucks. I bought that sucker right up.
On our way back, there was a short rainburst
during which we ducked into the library and had fun with the moving bookshelves in the periodicals.
Then I came back, and took a short nap. At 8, Anson, Foster and I went over to the girls' again, this time because there was a free movie playing at Helaman Fields; Planet 51. We went with Courtney, Dezzy, and Melissa. It was pretty fun; they were doing all sorts of promotional things, giving out t shirts and stuff. The movie started by 9:25, and it was fun until the rain started. It was actually really cool, because we could see the storm moving in; there were some really cool lightning bursts that we could see, including one that kind of branched off sideways. It was neat until it started raining; there were just these big, fat drops, but since we are poor college students we didn't have cars or anything, so we ended up just walking back to Heritage. One with the rain. I ended up taking a shower with the intent to go to bed, but ended up hanging out some more with Courtney, Dezzy, Trent, and his friend. It was when some people decided to go hike the Y at 12:15 that I decided to go to bed. Thus the not wanting to write up a post.
I went to bed with the intent to wake up by 7:30 so that when Tutu came to pick up Kea and Taylor I would be awake and able to go with them, spend the day with them. Totally cool, then, when I woke up at 10:00. Luckily, Tutu was nice enough to come back and get me. I had a great day over there, in American Fork. First off, we stopped by Krispy Kreme on our way, which made me happy. We got to their house, and I was able to visit in with Great Grandma McQuivey, which was great. It's awesome to be able to see someone who is able to age so healthily; that's essentially my goal in life. Also, Grandad built a waterfall, that morning

which looks really nice.
Kea was there, and I was able to fix the problem with her computer (restarting the computer does work most the time) and then with Tutu's computer (she just needed a driver installed). We went to see Eclipse (even though Kea and Taylor had already seen it). I thought it clearly superior to the last few, though the acting (or rather, the lack of) was painful. We got food at In-n-out, which was good, and then we went to this small children's parade in American Fork that Tutu had volunteered us for; we handed out popsicles to the kids after they finished. It was alright; it was actually right in front of the AF high school, which was neat. I'd never seen it before.

(The point of this blog is to make my parents jealous of me doing all these things that bring memories for them. Hence these pictures).
Then I came back to campus, hung out with Dezzy, Katie, and Kayla, and then came to write this. If it wasn't so late, and were I not writing about two days, I would include more detail, but alas. Such is life. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Why the Dakota Fanning shout out at the end? So glad you got to see Eclipse. I'd love to go see it again. And it was really ultra nice of Tutu to come back and get you. I hope you thanked her a ton. Not really so jealous about AF High, but I'm glad you got to see our alma mater.
