Thursday, July 8, 2010


Sorry about not posting last night, but I was tired and I didn't have the energy to stay up past 11 (However, the good news of that is that I was abed by 11, for those of you who are care about my wellbeing (mom)). I'll sum up the yester-day.
My day stared with a lovely trip to the cannon center; it was the first time I'd ever been there. It's a pretty big place! Unfortunately, they weren't serving french toast, but their pancakes, donuts, eggs, hash browns, and assorted juices were pretty good. This was followed by Bio-logy, which was annoyingly monotonous, more so than other classes. We went over enzymes, which, again, I learned in 9th grade biology. Whee. Then, after an hour of lecturing, the professor decided to have a review session on what we had learned the past few classes. I stuck around, but just played desktop defender as he re-explained what effect the allosteric site of an enzyme has for the 4th time. It's a ridiculously easy class. Oh, and we have a test next monday, which I'm not going to say is going to be a breeze, but I'll be shocked if I don't get above an 87.
After Bio I came back home (on my bike!) and did some homework. At some point I went over to the girls' room with Trent, which was fun. At 1:30 I went to go talk to this guy about what my AP scores mean, and in the short term it's not much. My classes for next term don't change, and I have to take econ the following term (I am able to just barely squeeze out of American Heritage). In total, my AP scores garnered me 71 credits. After I was done with that, I came back to the room, because I remembered that it was Wednesday, which means new rooms opening up. I checked the available rooms, and there were none opening up in heritage. However, there were 8 beds opening up in Helaman. Quick back-story: my roommate (Foster) until last week didn't have a room for the fall, but he got a room in Heritage last week (one that I messed up on). Earlier in the week, though, he told me that he would rather stay at Helaman, and have direct access to the Cannon Center. Remembering this, I got very hopeful. I waited for him to come back, and asked him if I got the Helaman room, if he would switch with me. Luckily, he said he would. So, at 3:45, I headed off to my Music class, set up my computer and everything, and waited. At 4, I pounced on this room in May building. Got it. Was really excited; so excited, in fact, that I nearly fell asleep in class during the ensuing 140 minutes. Upon arriving back home, I told Foster about my success, and we successfully swapped rooms (which can happen at any time--you don't have to wait for any time). The end result of this is that I finally have a room in Heritage for the fall! I'm in Felt hall, which means I'll be moving over some 20 yards.
After that excitement, I went on a nature walk around the parking lot. Fun story; I found out on Tuesday that we had another essay for bio due Wednesday at midnight. However, the essay was wicked easy because the assignment was literally just to take a nature walk and talk about what I saw. So, that's what I did. I used the microphone on my iPhone headphones and just recorded a voice memo of my observations, came back in and typed it up. Easiest three pages I've written in my entire life. Following that I hung out a bit with some from my FHE group, then realized I should probably get to studying. Upon making that resolve, however, I realized how tired I was and just went to bed (hence why I didn't post last night). Now, however, I must go about the day and the challenges (and BoM quizzes) it may bring. Sayonara!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for all of that finagling to get a place in Heritage for Fall! So happy for you! You're resourceful and smart and amazing. Missing you a bit!
